Magical Orgasmic Weapons That Make Me Cum Every Single Time

If you search real hard, you even find God. I only found the right sex toys.

zesty zariah
Heart Affairs
Published in
7 min readMar 21, 2022


Photo by Malvestida on Unsplash

My name is Zaria. I’m in my late 30’s. Four weeks ago I had my first vaginal orgasm. I would never have believed in my life that I would suddenly experience it and be able to write this. For as long as I can remember, I’ve only climaxed from clitoral stimulation. I am one of those women who can’t have an orgasm through penetration alone, and I find that’s okay.

I am aware that there is more than one way you could climax. But hey, so many women don’t have one. The reasons for this range from the side-effects of certain diseases and medicines, lack of interest, fear, lack of concentration, psychological problems, and many more.

It’s been working again for a few years, so I can consider myself lucky. I find sex to be satisfying, but never enough for me to climax. I often reach orgasm through oral stimulation or sex toys, even if it had to be in pairs. But purely vaginally, there is no way I could go on.

Clitoral Orgasm, Vaginal Orgasm — What’s the Difference?

It is now known that the distinction between clitoral and vaginal orgasms makes little sense. In both, the clitoris plays the leading role. It is our female pleasure center, so to speak. The clitoris consists not only of the clitoral head, which is more or less clearly visible at the upper point between the labia. It also has wing-shaped extensions along the outer labia. And it continues far into the body. The famous G-Spot is where the nerves of the clitoris extend into the vagina.

After being satisfied with my vaginal orgasm, I wanted to experiment and see what else could enhance this experience. So I started to deal more intensively with my body.

I used to have very little feeling and consciousness in my vagina. Also, I didn’t like touching myself inside. The curiosity got the worse of me and I wanted to know why and how.

Love balls and yoni eggs for a strong pelvic floor

First, I started regular pelvic floor exercises. There are various tools for this, from love balls to the right training device for the vagina. I chose a rose quartz yoni egg.

I carried the yoni egg in my vagina while tidying up, cooking, or watching TV. Carrying something in my vagina automatically makes me play with my muscles. With only half an hour of conscious awareness in Yoni Yoga, I felt more relaxed and focused.

Ever since I do pelvic floor training with the Yoni Egg 2–3 times a week. It’s not just my muscles that get stronger by tensing and relaxing the pelvic floor. The feeling in my vagina is also much better. I even believe that the increased blood flow has also improved my sensitivity. Our body is able to regenerate a network of nerves.

A strong vagina alone does not make for a worthwhile vaginal orgasm

My orgasms have become more intense due to the stronger pelvic floor, but I continued to climax through external stimulation via the clitoris. So the next step was to stop using my favorite toys — vibrators that mainly stimulate the clitoris. I had to remove the first choice that led me to orgasm and instead experiment with other things.

So I tried dildos and g-spot vibrators. Almost all of them made me cum, but in order to reach orgasm, I had to keep stimulating the clitoris externally. Until there was a game-changer!

A sex toy that changed everything

After bragging about only squirting with the various hit and trial methods, I started researching deeply on an orgasm miracle that would lead me to an orgasm. I read about a simple curved stainless steel rod. No vibration, no pressure waves — just highly polished metal. Many women had been able to squirt for the first time.

In my quest to experience what I had set out to, I ordered this without delay with not too many expectations. What should it do differently than other toys?

I didn’t want to squirt but come to orgasm. But both happen through the same body part. This area is a few centimeters behind the vaginal entrance on the front of the vagina — the G plane.

When the package arrived, I had time on my hands! And half an hour later I had my first vaginal orgasm.

Because I wanted this to work, I took extra time for this test. I first massaged my outer privates extensively with oil before including the clitoral tip and vagina. After all, the clitoris has an incredible 8,000 nerve endings, about twice as many as the glans of the penis. It loves being caressed on her visible button. The wings of the clitoris run beneath the outer labia.

Then I inserted the narrow side of the metal dildo into my vagina. Because of its curved shape, I immediately found the G surface. It’s relatively easy to spot. If this spot is touched with some pressure, you initially feel like an urge to urinate. If you just stay gently in the same place for a while, the feeling becomes more and more pleasant.

Which stimulation leads best to vaginal orgasm?

It’s best to find out for yourself whether you prefer fast or slow movements or just pressure. In the beginning, I didn’t use too much pressure or movement. Instead, I slowly repeated circular movements on the same spot with the ball tip of the Pure Wand until I got used to the new feeling.

At the same time, I stimulated the tip of the clitoris from time to time with the fingers of the other hand, but never so far that I orgasm.

Over time, my movements with the Pure Wand became faster and stronger. I realized that if I don’t keep my hands off the clitoris now, I’ll come — so I forced myself to leave my clitoris untouched and just continue with the toy.

My brain told me, “That would never happen.” My soul old me to be positive and continue the hard work. So I continued to massage my G-surface with the dildo.

Mission accomplished

Suddenly I felt something brewing in my whole body. Quite unexpectedly, an orgasm was imminent. It was damn hard for me not to bring the fingers of my free hand to my clitoris like I’m used to. But instead, I used them to cling to my thigh. And I managed to let myself fall into this new feeling that took a hold of my whole body.

Bang! And then a mega flash of lava came over me. All my life I had been a firm believer that my body wasn’t made for a vaginal orgasm. That in order to come, I have to constantly and unrestrictedly stimulate the clitoris. That I simply felt too little ‘inside’.

So far I just haven’t gotten to the right places.

How did a simple stainless steel rod do the thing?

No matter how hard I try, my hand just doesn’t have the swing of the Pure Wand. Not to mention a penis. And at the end of the day, a lot of pressure was needed. This is not possible with soft silicone toys. The more a dildo or vibrator moves, the less chance there was for me to have an orgasm. Only a tool that seemed insensitive at first glance like this stainless steel dildo could work.

Since then, I have had a new vaginal orgasm every time! Every time, a new experience. Sex never gets old! Of course, I was worried that this vaginal orgasm would remain a one-time thing. That’s why I didn’t let much time pass but started the second attempt the very next day. And then the third., and the fourth.

And indeed, every time I tried Pure Wand, I came. It’s like I flipped a switch.

Take every orgasm you can get

Was that a vaginal orgasm now? Or “just” a clitoral stimulation from the inside? Does that make a difference?

We evaluate our orgasms more than we enjoy them. The truth is, the orgasm need not have to be vaginal or clitoral. It just needs to have a positive outlook. Every time it is unique.

Now my orgasms are hot, encompassing, and flowing through the whole body. My previous clitoral orgasms were shorter and more localized. Less deep inside.

This may simply be because I took a lot more time this time and my pleasure organs were better prepared for the orgasm. No idea what the real deal is, and I do not care as long as I can continue to enjoy this feeling.

Take every orgasm you can get because the main thing is to feel good. To spend time with yourself. Being able to experience sex and orgasm without any shame or guilt.

Do it yourself as often as possible. You do not need a partner to orgasm. You do not need to beg anyone to succumb to your desires. All you need is the right tool and the correct attitude.

Try it. And if it doesn’t work out — relax. But please never think that your body can’t do it. Because it can do a lot more than you think.



zesty zariah
Heart Affairs

My name is Zaria. Welcome to my world. Full of zest but my wings were clipped. This is the space where I learn to fly. Will you witness this journey with me?