Reframing Relationships: Alternatives (That Aren’t All Polyamory!)

The times they are a-changin'…so why aren’t relationship models?

The Convoluted Cat
Heart Affairs
Published in
6 min readSep 17, 2020


Image by Jamie Street; taken from Unsplash free stock images.

Usually, when I hear someone talk about ‘alternatives’ to traditional relationships, I roll my eyes and groan. Secretly. While I feign interest. Not another millennial obsessed with polyamory, I think.

It’s not that I have anything wrong, exactly, with polyamory; it’s great that it works for some people…But it’s just that it isn’t for me. And every time some guy with abs like Jesus (of course he had a six-pack, right?) mentions polyamory, that means he’s effectively kicked off my dating bingo card, as far as I’m concerned.

One such cutie sent me the most fascinating youtube video recently, though. I was sure it was about polyamory, but I watched it anyway, to humor him. (He was really cute.) To my surprise, although it mentioned some polyamorous models, it also extrapolated on a few alternative relationship styles that have nothing to do with being polyamorous, and they got me thinking.

The 4 Most Fascinating Alternative Relationship Models

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