Sex Is An Acting Gig For A Lady…With No Finale Of Her Own

There is a massive misrepresentation of how women manage to cum.

Paris Delaney
Heart Affairs
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2022


Photo by Artem Labunsky on Unsplash

The scene is set with the actress lying waiting on the bed wearing slinky lingerie and her lips stained red. It’s show time!

We begin our teaching of sex by observing the portrayals of intimate acts on television, in movies, and eventually porn. Content of girls posing in submissive positions with a desperate look on their faces begging to be degraded. Our minds are molded to believe the woman’s duty in the bedroom is to be successful only by gaining skills to look and act desirably.

As we partake in more sexual encounters, we progress in mastering our techniques to effectively give the other person the performance of a lifetime, ensuring their experience ends with the big O.

The lights dim, the curtains close, and we lay there completely unsatisfied, the depressing questions that play in our minds after every sex session…

What is wrong with my body?

Why can’t I orgasm?

We eventually realize it’s all fake, a realization that there is a massive misrepresentation of how women manage to cum. Yet moving forward, we continue to pretend, for far too long, that we received an equal amount of pleasure.

Our imitations of those ladies in porn excessively moaning and executing imposable acrobatic moves never result in the same happy ending. The goal is to leave the man oblivious to the truth. His awareness would only worsen the problem when becoming disheartened by his failure to please, especially if he began pointing at your body as the fault. Never would you waste all that energy just to leave a bad taste of yourself in their mouth, as you are in dire need of their admiration for your fantastic service. Of course, your vanity is supposed to be prioritized.

Growing in age, sex becomes a chore; it is boring and not worth the time wasted to just receive an ego boost when the guy expresses his satisfaction.

Nowhere in the handbook does it explain how we actually achieve climax with another person. We must choose to either brave the idea of adapting a different approach to sex, or forever may we remain to suffer with sexual frustration.

Photo by Malvestida on Unsplash

Finding the confidence to voice our need for fulfillment is imperative to understanding the true meaning of having self-worth. Reshaping the idea of how sex is performed by adapting a new outlook…

№1 Banishes the porn-like auditions and the theatrical cliché characters. Yes, it is very entertaining for him, but you need your mind clear and centered in reality to focus on the task at hand.

№2 Reign in those ridiculous banshee calls. Nobody in that bedroom believes you’re that into it. Unless he does, this means he watches way too much porn, and it would probably be equally beneficial for you to display an accurate representation of a woman climaxing.

№3 Forget about obsessing over coordinating bra and panties. Of course, you look stunning in your special attire. However, as we’ve learned in this scenario, looking good doesn’t make you feel good.

№4 The most crucial factor is to only engage in sex with those who actively care about a woman finishing. Bringing an end to the one-sided sex and sharing the journey with someone who assists you in unlocking the glorious capabilities of your vagina. Honestly, life-changing.

Ultimately, we must acknowledge the famous lesson that what we see in movies isn’t real…

And so you can now retire from your acting career and celebrate bottoms up!



Paris Delaney
Heart Affairs

Just a writer sharing experiences, thoughts and different perspectives.