Should Men Take 'No' for an Answer? Exploring the Nuances of Male Behaviour

Consent is non-negotiable. But what about being approached?

Joanna Henderson
Heart Affairs
Published in
9 min readMay 22, 2024


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People face rejection daily—at work, in school, and in their personal lives. Most rejections probably occur at McDonald's when customers ask for ice cream and are told the ice cream machines are broken. Why are they always broken? Well, it may not be that much of a mystery after all.

Being rejected by a potential date is more hurtful than being in a fast food place. While some individuals are confident and brave, it may take everything you have to ask someone out. Many people are introverts who aren't keen on taking the first step. Some lack social skills and experience. Unfortunately, the type that gets a lot of social media attention is the self-proclaimed alpha male type who ruins the experience for everyone else.

Should men take "no" for an answer at face value, or should they continue pursuing women? You may see it as a black-and-white situation, but I'm not. To me, it's a loaded question.

Consent is Crucial. No Means No

No means no. Period.

There is no way around it. When it comes to consent, in particular physical and sexual, it is not open to interpretation.



Joanna Henderson
Heart Affairs

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.