The Day I Confessed To My Lover’s Wife

My life changed for the better after that night.

Michelle Brown
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2019


(Source: Unsplash)

It still haunts me to this day.

Long ago, I was the other woman, the mistress, the villain. I’ve previously documented this experience and the lessons it taught me, but I never did disclose the details of what happened during the end of the affair.

It’s been many, many years since that drama unfolded into a finale of heartbreak, tears, and fury.

Probably the most haunting aspect of the affair itself was how it finally ended: by speaking to my lover’s wife on the phone. And she wanted details.

She found my number on her husband’s cell phone bill and called me. She had called me several times throughout the affair. She knew I existed. But I would never answer the call.

Until I did.

I was done.

I was done with the lying, the secrecy, and my lover’s cowardice. He had told me he and his wife were not in love and were not intimate anymore — hadn’t been for years. But it became clear that it was all a lie.



Michelle Brown

Coffee Shop Gypsy. Word Practitioner. Editor of Heart Affairs + more... Like what I write? You can find more at my Substack