
The Gentleman’s Guide To Seducing Women

Are you ready?

Ethan Eros
Published in
7 min readApr 1, 2024


Photo by Klaus Nielsen on Pexels

I’ve seen more a** than the public toilet seat at your local shopping mall.

Before I married Mrs Eros, I had a ‘special talent’ for meeting gorgeous women and seducing them.

There’s nothing special about me.

I’m not six foot tall.

I don’t look like Brad Pitt.

I don’t drive a Maserati.

I don’t have a ton of money.

At first, I thought I was just lucky, but I later realized that my success with women had nothing to do with “luck”. It was a pure art form.

Some guys struggle with escalating to physical intimacy once they find a woman they connect with after several dates.

The lack of progression can leave a woman who is attracted to you, feeling frustrated and rejected.

I’m going to share the lessons I’ve learned about how to transition from going on a date to the bedroom.

Are you ready?

Build a solid foundation — connect with her emotionally

The clock starts ticking as soon as you’ve been on a first date with a woman.

The first date is about getting her comfortable, having a good conversation, building an emotional connection, making her laugh, and flirting.

Most importantly — it’s a chance for both of you to see if you have shared interests, values, and long-term goals.

By the end of the first date, she needs to:

  • feel secure that you’re not some deranged creep who will kidnap and harm her.
  • feel an emotional connection— get past the small talk, share some vulnerabilities, and provide a safe space for her to share her vulnerabilities as well.

The worst thing you can do is be unforgettable. If you’re not memorable, you will be cast away, like all the other men who didn’t excite her.

Don’t think about anything other than ensuring you both have a good time.

Keep it light. keep it playful.

Whenever I went on first dates, I adopted this mental approach: “I want us to both have fun, but if we don’t see each other again after this, that’s fine with me”.

This worked for me because it helped me relax. I didn’t feel like some big interview. I was just myself.

Why does this work?

Well, when you put a girl on a pedestal, you become too careful with everything you say or do because you don’t want to offend her.

A**holes get laid all the time. Why?

Because they’re skilled at evoking strong emotions out of women.

They make them feel something — anger, frustration, shock, nervousness, amusement, confusion.

Do you get me?

Talk about how you saved a puppy from a burning building, challenge her opinions, and be polarizing — I don’t care.

Just. make. her. feel. something.

Attraction is an emotion, not a choice.

It’s like a tough cut of meat. First, you need to tenderize it by pounding or adding baking soda. This makes cutting, cooking, and eating easier.

After the first date, don’t listen to fake ‘dating gurus’ who talk about waiting for 3 days before calling her again, standing in front of a mirror, and chanting her name 3 times during a full moon.

Once the first date is over, you should be pushing to meet up for the second date.

  • Avoid texting back and forth for weeks before asking her for a second date. Text her after the date, to tell her you had a good time and that you want to see her again.
  • Texts should be limited to flirting, crafting personal messages, and arranging a second date. Texting will never build chemistry like physically interacting with her in person.
  • Picking up the phone, leaving voice notes, and video chatting is better than texting as you’re tapping into one of the five senses: hearing. You form a closer bond with someone when you hear their voice.

Act fast and with intention

You should always plan the second date close to your house. It’s easier for her to say yes when you invite her back if it’s “right around the corner.”

The venue for the second date needs to be the right environment for sexual flirting and potential kissing:

  • It should have comfortable seating, where you can cozy up and sit close together.
  • Relatively quiet — a noisy and crowded place will kill the seduction mood.
  • Dim lighting and soft music in the background.

If you can, try and set the date in the evening, this increases the chances of kissing her in the car park or somewhere close by before you get her to your pad.

She might not feel comfortable kissing you during broad daylight with lots of people around.

If you’ve built a solid foundation and have done everything right, this should be possible most of the time.

The biggest mistake men make is going on many dates before trying to kiss a woman or inviting her back to their place.

Some women find the slow pace boring and eventually lose interest, especially if there’s another guy who seems to be sure of himself.

During the second date, create sexual tension. Be bold in your actions and show her that you want her. This is not the time to play it safe.

Women love it when a man is decisive and takes the lead.

It makes them feel desired.

Sexually flirting dials up the anticipation. The tension builds up until it gets too much and has to be released.

Do this to create sexual tension:

  • Give her a lingering hug when you say hello and kiss her on the corner of her lips or very close to her mouth. That will send her into meltdown.
  • Touch her on the arm and shoulders and stroke her hand when talking. Start slowly first and gauge her reaction before escalating and resting your hand on her thigh for a few seconds.
  • Reduce the physical distance between you — get closer to her. Brush up against her skin, a little longer than necessary.
  • Make sexually suggestive compliments. As an example, pick a body part, and say, “You've got nice lips.”
  • Make sexual innuendos without talking directly about sex. Most women are not turned on by direct sex talk. They find it vulgar, they‘d rather do it than talk about it.

Now, every woman is different, so you need to read her body language and decide if she’s ready for the next stage.

Keep this in mind: women want to get down and dirty just as much as men. Yes, even the most conservative religious women can be sexual deviants.

If she’s not flirting back = bad sign

pushing your hand away when you touch her = a bad sign

Smiling and contributing to the conversation = good sign

After the second date is over, you need to take care of ‘logistics to increase the chances of taking things further.

She’s agreed to come home with me know what?

Don’t make it obvious you want her to come back to your place so that you can jump into the sheets. Be subtle. Women don’t like it when guys are crude.

She doesn’t want to feel like a cheap $10 hooker.

Instead, do this: Invite her over to show her something you’ve been ‘working on’ at home, or just to ‘hang out’. She’s not silly she knows where this is going, especially if sparks have been flying the whole time.

Just because she’s going home with you, it doesn’t mean she’ll sleep with you. One silly mistake and the whole thing will fall apart.

You need to set up your pad and create the right environment for some action. You’ve reached this far, the last thing you need is to be let down by poor preparation.

Here’s how you prepare your pad:

  • It must be super clean from top to bottom. Get rid of any weird smells like rotting food in the bin or fridge.
  • Sort out the supplies — condoms, lubricants, clean towels, toilet paper in the bathroom, etc.
  • Stock the fridge with readymade snacks, breakfast supplies (in case she stays the night), water, and some alcohol options.
  • Clean sheets on the bed. Any decent girl will not go anywhere near stained sheets that haven’t been washed for weeks.
  • Spray the room with vanilla, sandalwood, Jasmine, or blood orange — these scents spark arousal. Dim the lighting in the bedroom (lamp shade is fine).

The best scenario is you walk through the door, and you’re already tearing each other’s clothes off because you kissed her before you came home.

If not, make her feel at ease. Offer her a drink and put on some background music or TV. If you switch on the TV, make sure nothing exciting. The last thing you want is for her to get engrossed in her favorite TV show.

Go and sit next to her on the same couch or sofa.

The biggest mistake men make is waiting for the perfect moment to kiss her. You have to pay close attention to what's happening. Her body language will give you signals when she’s ready to be kissed.

Signs to look out for:

  • She stares deeply into your eyes or can’t keep her eyes off your lips.
  • She allows you to sit very close to her and get into her intimate space.
  • She responds positively to more daring touches (hand on the thigh or around the waist), or even better she finds excuses to touch you.

Go for it, lean into her, and kiss her passionately. Spend a good amount of time kissing and touching her to amplify her arousal levels.

Spend a lot of time on foreplay — once she’s aroused, she’ll be willing to be led to the bedroom.

Word of caution:

This post is a “gentleman’s guide” which means always respect the woman that you’re with. Don’t push through any “Last minute resistance” as they call it in the seduction community.

Protect yourself from sexual harassment and rape charges by making sure:

  • You have consent — If she says no even once, sex should be off the table.
  • She’s sober and lucid (not heavily intoxicated).
  • Don’t unexpectedly whip out your junk or take off your clothes unexpectedly.
  • Don’t take videos or any sort of recording without prior consent.

Wrapping Up

For most women, sex begins in the mind. The seed is planted long before when you make her feel desired like she’s the sexiest woman on the planet.

When you’re confident, not afraid to flirt and connect with her emotionally, nine times out of ten you’ll get her in the sack.



Ethan Eros
Heart Affairs

Helping men to be more confident in navigating the modern dating world and build fulfilling relationships.