The Importance of Identity

Know who you are before being in a relationship.

Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2024


Photo by Rachel McDermott on Unsplash


We sometimes get wrapped up in a fantasy when we want to be with someone romantically. There are too many people I know who want to be in relationships because they believe it’ll fulfill them.

The truth is being in a relationship will not fulfill you. You should feel fulfilled on your own first. I truly believe this is the key to a healthy relationship.

I watched my mom lose her identity as the years went by and the longer she had been married. I remember not having a concept of the fact that my mom was a whole person outside of being my mom when I was little. As an adult, she has told me many stories about what her life was like growing up, but after she was married she was fully emersed in her marriage and raising children.

She went straight from her parent’s house to marrying my dad and living with him. There was no in-between time where she was able to find herself.

Without inner fulfillment, people tend to put all their eggs in one basket, the basket being the relationship in this scenario. Then things end, and the person completely loses their identity because their identity was the relationship.

