The Life Lesson I Learned At Work That Helps Make Me A Better Partner

To get what you want, give other people what they need.

Rocco Pendola
Published in
7 min readJun 5, 2021


Source: Author

Prior to the pandemic, I took a break from online content to work in the craft cocktail industry.

It was one of the best moves I have made in my life. I met some of my favorite people, including my amazing girlfriend because of the last bar I worked at.

You have lots of fleeting and long-lasting social interaction when you work in a bar, obviously with guests, but also— like with many other jobs — co-workers.

However, unlike office work, these interpersonal encounters happen almost nonstop. The pace is almost always fast.

Probably because of my place in life, I learned more from my relationships with guests and co-workers — fleeting and long-lasting — and my mistakes than I have at any other time in my life.

While it took a few fits and starts to get it right with my girlfriend, one tense interaction I had with a co-worker has — as it turns out — made me a better friend and partner.

Or, at least I think and hope so.

In my experience, there’s not a more fast-paced line of work than working behind a bar.

