The Pleasure of Water

What Died As Spousal Abuse Grew.

Poppy Nagano
Published in
6 min readMar 7, 2021


Photo by Roberto Nickson

The feeling of taking a hot bath is something that I savor.

I love sinking into the bathtub, feeling water envelop my body.

The water casts off the world and the world becomes the tub. Everything disappears; time stops marching forward for the duration of the bath.

Serenity and a sense of pleasure embrace me.

I enjoyed baths like this for more than thirty years.

I remember the period in my life when this pleasure disappeared. Repeated baths, where I laid in the water baffled by the lack of sensation. I felt the water, but I lost the feeling of pleasure. Water was touching me, but my response to water was missing.

This was a major red flag of the many red flags, I saw them but I didn’t know what they meant and when I did know what they meant, I didn’t know how to respond.

If I were to look back, I think I had probably lost a lot of pleasure in various arenas in life, but the bath being a particular sense experience, I couldn’t help notice.

When I lost the sensation of pleasure in baths, I was married; life was extremely stressful. My days were explosions of crises. My life of being single, organized, having agency and order had been annihilated.



Poppy Nagano
Heart Affairs

Researcher, cat mom, heirloom vegetable obsessed gardener.