The Real Reason Feminists Spit Flames Over Passport Bros

And a simple solution to end this debate.

Carlyn Beccia
Heart Affairs
Published in
6 min readApr 11, 2024


The Real Reason Feminists Spit Flames Over Passport Bros
Anacreontick’s in Full Song, James Gillray, England, 1801 | Public Domain

In the eighteenth century, it was common for aristocratic young men fresh out of University to travel to Europe for cultural enlightenment. These “Grand Tours” were typically done before marriage and were viewed as a rite of passage for any hoity-toity, well-heeled traveler.

In reality, the Grant Tour was an excuse for a year-long bachelor party. Sure, some traveling scholars delved into the libraries and museums of Europe instead of their local whore houses, but that was not the norm. Most men viewed it as their opportunity to indulge in booze, gambling, and a few dangerous liaisons. Many brought back steamy memories (and their share of STDs) from their exploits abroad.

What they didn’t bring back was one of their sexual conquests to meet Mom. What happened in Europe stayed in Europe.

Today, the trending “passport bros” have revised the tradition with a twist.

What are passport bros?

Passport bros are men who prefer to date foreign women untarnished by feminism. They claim foreign women have more traditional ideals that are increasingly hard to find in America. So they travel overseas to find romance.



Carlyn Beccia
Heart Affairs

Author & illustrator. My latest books — 10 AT 10, MONSTROUS: THE LORE, GORE, & SCIENCE, and THEY LOST THEIR HEADS. Contact: