They Make the Best Vaginas in Thailand

Let me explain.

Christopher Kokoski
Heart Affairs
Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2023


Panoramic view of modern Thailand’s cityscape with skyscrapers and activity. — They Make the Best Vaginas in Thailand
Image created by the Author via Bing, DALL-E and Canva

On an episode of Vanderpump Rules, LaLa (one of the more evocative cast members) said:

“You go to Beverly hills for a boob job. You go to Thailand for a vagina." — LaLa


I mean, who doesn’t know that? I’m pretty sure I learned that in Kindergarten between the days of the week and counting to 100 by tens.

I’m being facetious, of course.

This short declarative statement grabbed my attention and triggered a deep dive down the rabbit hole of “Best places to get XYZ body part.”

This is what I learned.

Why Is Thailand So Good at Making Vaginas?

The answer is unsurprisingly complex, rooted in a network of factors that likely run deep into culture and religion.

A 2014 research study published in the Scientific World Journal says it this way:

Unlike Christians, Buddhists cannot point to specific religious laws or teachings forbidding homosexuality, transsexuals, or gay marriage. One of the fundamental teachings of Buddhism is tolerance of those who act differently or hold different views

That’s not to say there is complete sexual freedom in Thailand or full acceptance of transgender persons. In fact, the research appears to imply the exact opposite.

A lingering and long-standing suspicion mixed with various levels of intolerance and antagonism.

Still, we must recognize the cultural history when it comes to this topic.

The same research study sums it up:

Today, Thailand appears to live up to its worldwide reputation as a place where transsexuals can experience greater freedom and acceptance than in other nations.

Particularly, transsexuals’ appearance and manners seem to the Thai population much more similar to the way ladies are acting and behaving. At the same time, the sex surgical conversion got more and more the reputation of being successful, both domestically and internationally. In fact, parallel to the explosion of the tourism market (90’s) in Thailand, more foreigners were coming to Thailand to receive sex change operations. The Thai population has been witnessing this medical tourism for the past 20 years [20].

In other words, people are going to Thailand to get vaginas or penises.

And they have been going for a long time.

The Secret to Making a Great Vagina

Let’s pause for a moment to consider the significance of what we just learned.

Namely, an explosion of experience.

A history of mixed tolerance and acceptance, a muddied blend of cultural norms, and religious “no man’s land” leads to this explosion. More tourists come to Thailand.

Therefore, more doctors perform more surgeries.

More surgeries mean more experience, which results in refined practices and better outcomes.

In short, Thailand sex-change surgeons got their 10,000 hours (and then some).

The Low Cost of High-Quality Vaginas

We can’t overlook the other major bonus for getting your sparkling new vagina from Thailand — the cost.

Price is almost always a factor when buying anything.

Even body parts.

In Thailand, you can get a vagina for approximately 1/3 of what it will cost you in a Western Country. While prices range (and can change constantly), an example is that it might cost $10,000 in Thailand and $80,000 or more in the US.

There are even tourism companies offering month-long medical care packages for gender reassignment.

In other words, the price is hard to beat. Maybe it is impossible for the quality.

Sexual Pioneers

Along with more experience and low costs, many procedures now used globally were pioneered in Thailand.

When you get your vagina from Thailand, you get it from the very best.

And, as with anything else, why wouldn’t you want the best vagina? If you can travel and afford it, why wouldn’t you go to the best surgeons in the world for the procedure?

Ultimately, that’s why Thailand makes the best vaginas.

Best Place to Get Other Body Parts

If you’re wondering about the best place to get other body parts, there is no lack of recommendations online.

Some of the most commonly suggested options:

  • Boob job — United States (Beverly Hills), Turkey, Mexico
  • Butt job — Brazil, Spain, Turkey, Thailand

The Risks of Sexual Surgeries

It wouldn’t be fair or ethical to ignore the risks of sexual reassignment surgery.

While mental and emotional health can be vastly improved with these surgeries, any medical procedure comes with possible downsides.

Even life or death risks, as described in this article in The Guardian about Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBLs):

The risk involved in performing a BBL is not only about the quantity of fat, but how it is inserted. (Also, whether it is fat being inserted at all: a number of recent deaths associated with buttock augmentation occurred because the patient was being injected with silicone.) During the operation, the danger occurs at a very precise moment: the insertion of the cannula into the buttock. As it goes under the skin, the cannula has to remain above the gluteal muscle. If it goes below, and fat enters the bloodstream, fat droplets can then coalesce, travel through the blood and cause a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot in the lungs.

Then there are the surgeries gone wrong where, like a bad tattoo, you don’t get the body you bargained for (or dreamed about).

Final Thoughts

I should note that this article is not based on my personal opinion or preferences.

I found the statement on a reality show so intriguing that I did some research, and my “findings” fascinated me into writing this story. I hope that you found it informative and interesting.

Most of all, I hope that we all open our minds and hearts to love everyone, to support our fellow humans, and to move ever towards better, safer, and more accessible medical care for everyone who wants and needs it.

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Christopher Kokoski
Heart Affairs

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