Things Get Better After You Have That Hard Conversation

So do it soon

Amy Mehta
Published in
12 min readMay 28, 2021


Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde of Unsplash

I have done a few crazy things in my life. I’m about to share with you a story that only the closest people to me know.

Many years ago, I eloped with a boyfriend. And the elopement was the tipping point that both ended a friendship and solidified my relationship with my family.

Here’s my story:

H. and I met when we were in our mid 20’s. When we first started dating, I was getting my master’s degree and living with my parents. He was from another country and studying for his undergraduate degree.

Unfortunately, my parents hated the guy and pushed us as hard as possible to break up. He had had some work issues and could not find the sponsorship he needed to stay in the country.

We eloped

We ended up getting married secretly a few years into the relationship so he wouldn’t have to leave. We did this in front of a judge and two close friends. These two people in the know were the only people that we planned to tell.

I had hoped from the beginning to keep the elopement a secret from my parents. They already assumed my boyfriend was with me to get a green card. I foolishly hoped we could pretend that the day we eventually had our family-sanctioned wedding…



Amy Mehta
Heart Affairs

Accounting Systems manager. I love a cozy couch and some good reading.