
This Is Why I Swiped Left On You

Just in case you’re wondering.

Heart Affairs
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2024


in need of a rhon-a-vous? | photo by kasey sparks

Over the last five years, I’ve spent more hours swiping on the dating app Bumble than I care to admit and I’m not gonna lie.

I’ve swiped left far more often than right.

There are certain things I know won’t work for me the biggest of which is smoking. The smell of cigarette smoke gives me a wicked headache. It’s something my body can’t tolerate.

The same goes for anyone who expresses fanatical opinions on either end of the political spectrum or in their religious beliefs. I need peace and moderation in my life, not radical views.

I also swipe left on a profile when it doesn’t look like the person takes good care of himself. Eating healthy, staying active, and looking my best are important values to me and I’d like the same in a partner. I’m not saying he needs to have the muscles of a gym rat or be a total health nut to gain a right swipe. I’m just saying it needs to appear like he can keep up with me on the pickleball court and will most likely take a shower afterward.

Lastly, I’m not wild about ZZ-Top-style beards. Sorry, fellas. An overgrown or unkept beard is too much hair for me. I swipe left on these as well.



Heart Affairs

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