Unpopular Dating Advice: Mr. "Meet Me Halfway" Is A Pain In The Arse

Location, location, location. What's true for real estate is also true for romance.

Carlyn Beccia
Published in
7 min readJan 24, 2023


Why you shouldn’t meet a man halfway.
Pexels | Photo by JJ Jordan

I was looking forward to my date with Mr. Bean.* Our texts were feisty, and he had a subversive sense of humor that intrigued me. But then we hit a common first-date stumbling block — where to meet.

I prefer not to Google men before a first date because it feels inorganic and kills the mystery. My approach is unorthodox and utterly old-fashioned. It's also unsafe.

Consequently, I have one rule regarding first dates with online strangers — I insist our date happen in a bar near my home where I know the bartenders.

Mr. Bean lives 30 minutes from me in a rough part of the city. I live in a suburb where a newsworthy tragedy is teens feeding the local ducks joints.

Mr. Bean suggests I come to him.

I respond, "I don't feel safe driving to (x city). I don't know you yet. Would you mind coming to my neighborhood? If we hit it off, I promise to come to you on the second date."

He responds, "But I know all the good restaurants here."

I have stated my boundaries clearly to Mr. Bean. I am not comfortable meeting a stranger in…



Carlyn Beccia
Heart Affairs

Award-winning author of 13 books. My latest: 10 AT 10: The Surprising Childhoods of 10 Remarkable People, MONSTROUS: The Lore, Gore, & Science. CarlynBeccia.com