What Everyone Gets Wrong About The Allure of The Bad Boy

Not so obvious reasons why women are drawn to them.

Tee Mugayi
Heart Affairs
Published in
5 min readSep 9, 2021


Photo by Alex Sheldon on Unsplash

Love ’em or hate ‘em.

The allure of the bad boys has been the subject of much discussion for some time now.

His confidence and mysteriousness have women mesmerized, even though his behavior is considered impolite by many.

But what exactly does it all mean? Surely confidence or mysteriousness alone does not maketh a bad boy. And what woman in her right mind would want a man who will hurt her; abuse, lie, steal, be selfish, or even putting her life in danger.

I want to shed some light on the topic and demystify what it truly means to be the bad boy women love.

For starters, being “bad” doesn’t mean being bad in the literal sense. Of course, some women find evil men attractive, but such women are in the minority.

What women seek is the good kind of bad.

The word “bad” is a descriptor of personality traits that go against societal expectations. These traits are usually identifiable during social interactions. More often than not, bad boys that most women love have wonderful character traits like loyalty, bravery, and honesty. They simultaneously balance it out with personality traits such as…



Tee Mugayi
Heart Affairs

Freelance designer/artist, a private pilot who enjoys exploring my thoughts and ideas through the written medium.