What Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper Taught Me About Love

Dive into the deep end, love like you never will again, and always remember.

Stephanie Parry
Heart Affairs
Published in
6 min readAug 15, 2023


Image by Pixabay

The first time I saw “A Star is Born”, I bawled my eyes out in a crowded theater with the love of my life.

Now, that I’m a widow, I haven’t been able to hear the music again without thinking of that day.

No matter where I am, whenever I hear the lyrics from that movie, it brings me back to those theater seats, where we were holding hands like we didn’t want to let go, and tears were streaming down our cheeks without shame.

I play back in my mind all the moments from there until now.

I am not the same person I was then, and I am sure my lover isn’t either.

We are supposed to be dead to each other, hence the term ‘widow’.

Once upon a time, like all fairy tales, there was a beginning…and these words always bring us back to life once more….



Stephanie Parry
Heart Affairs

Poet. Witch. Queer. Exploring Love, Sex, & Relationships. Flirting with societal norms. https://stephanieparry.medium.com/membership