When A Woman Should and Shouldn’t Pay on a First Date

The age-old question settled with the psychology of investment and a few FBI moves.

Carlyn Beccia
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2021


Who Should Pay on a First Date
Artwork: © Carlyn Beccia | www.CarlynBeccia.com

I was running out of time.

I squinted my eyes and scanned the restaurant for Brad. He had to be somewhere in this sea of well-dressed diners. Or maybe he was in the bathroom? I chewed on the ice in my empty margarita glass and tapped my foot. I had to find him before it was too late. God, I hate first dates.

Brad was, of course, not my date. He was my waiter. And I was frantically searching for him for one reason— I had to intercept the check.

If you go on enough first dates, you probably have become conditioned to “the talk.” It’s the “you are nice but not my kind of nice, so we are never going on a second date” talk. Unless you have the compassion of fresh roadkill, this conversation will always cause some guilt.

Over time, I developed a simple philosophy for every first date. If I like him, I am not touching that check. Feminist? Pleeeease. Not when my lady bits are throbbing.

If I don’t like him, I wait for the FBI brush pass and intercept the check.

To be clear, I view picking up the check as an act of altruism. You are putting money back into your date’s…



Carlyn Beccia
Heart Affairs

Award-winning author of 13 books. My latest: 10 AT 10: The Surprising Childhoods of 10 Remarkable People, MONSTROUS: The Lore, Gore, & Science. CarlynBeccia.com