Why Iron Man Is a Problem For Victims of Narcissistic Abuse
No, Tony Stark is not a narcissist.
He is a hero and sometimes also a little bit villain. He is handsome, charismatic, highly intelligent, and successful. He is Tony Stark. He is Iron Man. If you are female and enjoy Marvel, why wouldn’t you fantasize about dating him? Or someone like him.
Of course, he is a fictional character, but men like him do exist. I am not talking about his strength or super-brain, I mean his character. We come across them every day in the real world. We find them on dating sites, at work, we see them in reality TV Shows, we see them dating our friends.
Or do we?
Textbook Narcissism
In Iron Man 2, Fury reads out a character assessment of Tony Stark that Natasha Romanoff has done. It reads:
“Personality overview. Mr Stark displays compulsive behaviour.” ... “Prone to self-destructive tendencies.” …. “Textbook narcissism”
To the last assessment, Tony Stark simply responds: “Agreed”.
So Tony Stark is a textbook example of a narcissist?
If you search the internet for a character assessment you might find similar statements. Cinema Therapy who psychologically assess movie characters…