Yes, Married Sex Can Be Boring

And it could be something we embrace.

Michelle Brown
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2021


Source: Dominic Sansott via Unsplash

It’s true. There’s no way around it. Married sex is boring.

Sex in any long-term relationship or marriage tends to get dull after several years. It’s just the natural progression of things.

This doesn’t mean that sex in any given relationship necessarily always gets boring, of course — but it is a frequent occurrence.

Many people jump from relationship to relationship because the sex simply gets repetitive after many years with the same person. Quite often, people want something new, and sometimes grabbing a new partner to make sex shiny and new again can be a temporary — albeit dubious — solution.

However, the certainty of sex becoming stale shouldn’t be something to fear or a deterrent to staying in a long-term relationship or getting married. It should be something we embrace.


Solutions never come from denying that there’s a problem or a challenge.

Acknowledging the existence of a slow or monotonous sex life is indeed awkward and uncomfortable but by no means does it reflect the value of a relationship as a whole.

Throwing out the relationship with the stale sex bathwater isn’t…



Michelle Brown

Coffee Shop Gypsy. Word Practitioner. Editor of Heart Affairs + more... Like what I write? You can find more at my Substack