How It Feels To Know

Liz Ward
Heart Philosophies
Published in
6 min readJul 21, 2023


At the beginning of 2022, my parents, husband, and I were still being Covid-cautious. We’d been part of what was dubbed ‘shielding’, in which people more at risk of SARS-CoV-2 were urged to be more vigilant, to stay at home longer.

Three fabric face masks — one yellow, one maroon with yellow flowers, and one black with big yellow roses — stacked on a bedcover.
By Liz Vo, Unsplash.

During 2020 (and for some of 2021), my Mum was still undertaking chemotherapy treatments, and autumn of 2020 she had a major specialised operation to reduce the risk of her bowel cancer returning.



Liz Ward
Heart Philosophies

Indie author-publisher and essayist, deaf and autistic with ADHD, and passionate about equality, access, and social justice. Introvert, cat-lady and bookworm.