A Cloak & Dagger Transcendence

Seeing Through The Ruse

Upasana Sharma
Heart Revolution
7 min readJan 7, 2022


Stairway To Heaven? Hemis Monastery, Leh, India 2021. Photo Courtesy Of Upasana Sharma

Alone I walk an unpredictable trail,
Mind racing analyzing all the ways I fail.
Feeling that the surrounding reality stands still,
As if everything surrounding me attacks at their will,
Alone with nature’s vitality, separated by the emotions we feel.
Perceptions of life’s purpose is to endure the suffering,
Pain brings the opportunity of a lesson,
Student of life, searching for knowledge insatiably.
Empathy, gratitude, a positive attitude,
Clear cut path to humbling, a fractured ego,
Comfort is an illusion, primary emotions a placebo.
Obstacles on the trail…rivers, fallen trees and stones,
No one here to utter words capable of breaking bones.
Language more powerful than a Manhattan project,
Weaponized communication formulated without logic.
Living through our actions, dangerous words become silent,
Respected for our effort, Results of an ego no longer defiant.
Shrouded in chaos no absolute truth,
Awareness resides with a present mind.
Accepting of spaces magnificent design,
New moments present an opportunity to own.
Anxiety provoked mind crippled in fear,
Trust the process then your path will be clear.
Darkness sheds a light in the end,
Growth is in the shadows, humanities path to ascend.

The life is full of circus mirrors made to
Distort what matters.
When the ride slows down, and our mind
Begins to clear, we frantically try to quieten
The chatter.
Layer after layer we shed our fears until
Our Ego is found,
Drowned in the light of a supernova,
Then shattered loud with a glorious sound.
The Earth is a living, breathing body,
Fragile as it comes undone.
This body has a thriving soul, pulsating
Inside a honeycomb.
This body has a mind with an ego, that
Believes it’s in full control.
The time has come for our consciousness
To ascend to the next level.

The nether world will greet you when the
Last grain of sand drops,
In the hourglass of fallen people, deep
Inside a single thought.
We all must follow the burning flock, or
Purge our life of the ego.
Will you answer if they knock, and begin
The spirit walk?
If you walk I shall join you and
Leave behind a sequel.

Death ends the circle of life, soon our
Bodies will be vaporized.
Hold my hand and close your eyes, hug
Me tight but do not run,
For tonight the skies ignite in the glory of
Our supernova Sun.

Layer after layer we shed our fears until
Our ego is found,
Drowned in the light of a supernova,
then shattered with a glorious sound

Footnote: I recently took a trip to Leh, Ladakh, which geographically makes for a significant part of the inaccessible Tibetan Plateau. Though it is nature’s finest artwork, the living conditions are inhospitable, citing high altitude and less oxygen.

The purpose of my visit was rather a spiritual one. I had an inkling, a calling to visit a certain Hemis Monastery because I have been working in a close association with Mother Tara for a few years now. It is not uncommon for us spiritual seekers to get a visitation from all those departed and other heavenly deities, sometimes from the dark underbellies of the netherworld too (Wink Wink).

This time around, Palden Lhamo extended an invitation to me. Palden Lhamo is a Tantric Buddhist Deity , who is wrathful yet protective. She is the protector of all the Dalai Lamas and the Tibetan Government.

So,during my stay there, one day, I called up a cab to ferry me to the Hemis Monastery, which roughly lies 40 miles far outside the periphery of the Leh town. When my chauffeur showed up at the hotel, I was sort of amused, but not really though. The person who was ferrying me was a Monk.

Since some states are still reeling under partial lockdown, people moonlighting as chauffeurs, or a tour guide is a common sight.

20 miles into the journey, we bagan chatting up, small talks gradually evolving into bigger intense ones. At some point of our convesation, the monk, really started to open up about his time in the Monastery, services, rules, timings yada yada yada. The converstaion was going smooth, per se. What literally made me jump out of my seat was when he started judging his family members and friends for their athiest views, and lack of faith. He went on and on about how certain things must checklist as right, and others wrong. But, shouldn’t he have risen above all that already since he was a MONK??? I thought out loud… I eventually cut him some slack, for he too is a flesh and bones underneath. Just like everybody else. An aha moment!!!

I did not judge him, or argue with him since he is his own sovereign person and he is entitled to his beliefs, however right or wrong. Sovereignty is highly encouraged and respected in the spiritual circles. No experience is labelled right or wrong. It just is. We believe in letting a person learn through their experiences rather than shoving down a self righteous unsolicited lecture down his/her throat.

In that moment I learned to tell apart Gold from Gold plated.

There it was, an epiphany rained down on me. What I learnt was that often times we put Gurus,the high and mighty on a pedestal, without ever knowing the kind of people they really are, the substance, the crust the mantle the core they are made of. We are taught from early on to toe a certain dogma, or accept a certain social structure and follow a particular religious line, without ever questioning why.

This happens when we externalize the true essence of enlightenment.

Once your awareness expands, you will realize that the very God particle is present in you, just like it is in everybody else. There’s nothing outside. The light and therefore the dark is inside of you. You are a Co-Creator with the Universe. Just as divine, just as powerful.

In my humble opinion, Religious dogmas could very well be just another brick in the wall, limiting your sight to a myopic vision. On the other hand, Spirituality is ten steps ahead of any Religion, ever expanding, all encompassing, 360 degrees field of vision. The spirituality speaks of Oneness with all beings. It realizes we are all but One consciousness. Spirituality encourages you to look through the ruse, Discern what resonates with your being and what doesn’t. Fuck conformity, if something or someone doesn’t align with your value system, leave it be. Explore more. The opportunities, the knowledge out there is endless. Learn your limitations and overcome them. Strive to be a better person every day. For it is in serving mankind, you truly serve God.

For those who have harnessed the skills of navigating through spiritual evolution via self mastery, will know that it is perhaps a walk in the park, albeit a Jurassic Park! And you’ll know when your journey has reached its climax is when your ego starts to disintegrate. What you once believed in, no longer holds true. You are stripped naked to your bones. But that’s where the magic begins to happen. Stitch by stitch you put on your new cosmic cape. You are now bulletproof. It’s okay to let your ego mess up with your head sometimes but you won’t give your power away now that easy. You see through your own bull shit and in doing so, see others’’ BS too. You become a mirror. A cosmic mirror. What you echo, echoes back at you. You are given a gift of free will. Choose your own truth.

As I was channeling the energies for the New Year 2022, few messages were wanting to come out. Take what resonates and leave the rest:

  1. In Numerology, the year 2022 adds up to number 6, the number of Goddess Venus. Expect to see a rise in female autonomy, meaning more female bosses, rising matriarchy, cupid is gonna go generous for some of you, people are rising in love. Lifestyles are getting luxurious and extravagant for some of you. Make sure to watch your finances.
  2. The Power of Light is a dominant theme playing out this year. Darkness is going to shed a light in the end. If you were being blindsided in personal or professional spaces, you are being shown a way out. Expect to see the truth being revealed with regards to the world affairs.
  3. Years 2022, 2023, 2024 are being touted as the Quatum years. If there is a project personal, business, creative or otherwise you have been holding off. Now is the time to give it a go.
  4. Everything that you have worked hard upon until now, might give you the fruits of your labor. This is the year of Harvest.
  5. According to Chinese astrology, this is the year of Tiger. Expect goals getting achieved, ambitions being realized, self esteem roaring but also ego-driven exchanges, road rages, tempers flaring up, one upmanship etc. It is advisable to drop down to your heart spaces.

Thank you so much for your precious time and energy, beloved friends!

Thank you my dear soul sister Filza Chaudhry for giving my longer than usual art piece a place in your esteemed publication #Heart Revolution💗

Happy Blissful 2022 ☮



Upasana Sharma
Heart Revolution

Usui reiki master • Shamanic healer • Empowerment coach • Podcaster • Writer • Polyglot • Teacher • Entrepreneur • sharmaupasana333@gmail.com