Life | Love |Fable

A Fable Of An Altruist

Riku Arikiri
Heart Revolution
2 min readJul 22, 2020


A child who falls learns to get back up
one without a father, who always looks up

He sees the kids, who play in parks
their dads running to catch them in a rut

The smiling faces, send a chilling sadness in his gut
a tear drops, from his eyes in an instant

He smiles towards the people in the park,
as he starts to run again, watch his path

He learned to fall, a countless dozen times
only to learn if his father would come

What does a child really need, from a parent perhaps
love, warmth or a pat on the back — it’s simple really

You know it all too well, the one who knows love
of how it connects, it makes one, two and even anew

Love of a father can turn you into gold, someone bold
in the absence of love, does one strive for it — yes

To learn to love one’s self, is there any way
to fill the void of one’s soul that yearns for him

A father’s love and support that brews hope within
but now as he walks in the park every day



Riku Arikiri
Heart Revolution

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.