An Ode to the Moon

Shift across the seas of your serenity

Daniel T Parkins
Heart Revolution


Jordan Steranka | Unsplash

Oh moon,
Your bright light shines in the eye of my mind,
and the weight of your body pulls at the tendrils of my heart.

The aura of your presence —
harbored in the kingdom of clouds —
electrifies the night with myths and gods and stories so loud
they seek rest in skies of starlight.

I am filled with your meaning.
I am
beaming with the gleaming stories told by your
bold unfolding —
by the glow of your
knowing glance — by your
stoic holding of dreams imploding
within the sinews of my moon-brined-mind.

Let me sink into your collections of
timeless sands.
Let me drink your reflection from
cupped hands —
Let me… stand at the brink,
where kindness and kisses from mistresses of history bathe my soul in the
mysteries of your endlessly

Like a restless ship, I
shift across the seas of your serenity.
Like a breathless blip of brevity, I
sing songs of sorrow,
hoping I might break from the
bonds of tomorrow and barrow your presence across an endless sky of nights.
You are the plight of my prayers —
the beatitudes I sing for want of heresy against the day —
against the tireless platitudes of motion that
carelessly say I must refrain
from sailing beside you forever.

If I could only endeavor to
tether my mores along your shores,
I would forever remember to
bind my mind against the sirens who
implore the light of the sun they serve.
And I would maintain my stay by
saying these immovable words:

May the tides that reside inside me
be always swayed by the shape of your beautiful curves.



Daniel T Parkins
Heart Revolution

I was in a deep slumber of creative silence, but dreams have birthed forests inside me now. And like the sun rising over snowcapped mountains, I have awoken!