Are we living in a Hypnotic Rhythm?

Kurt Anderson
Heart Revolution
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2021


The Divine Orchestra conducting your habitual actions

Any impulse of thought that the mind repeats over and over through habit forms an organized rhythmRhythm is the last stage of habit — Napoleon Hill

Rhythm of Life

Nature always has a way of helping its divine creations along their appointed path. Through repetition, many things we do in life can feel effortless. This is a blessing and a curse for you can either control yourself or be controlled. I don’t believe anyone can fully escape the influence of others so long as there are people in the world. However, you can learn to be selective about what you allow into your energy field.

With rhythm, I'm sure like myself many think about music, with music I think of vibration. If you vibrate in correspondence with a particular song of life or vibration you in return receive assistance or you may be lead adrift. Stepping back learning to look upon the past events, I am able to understand the driving influences behind my actions.

On most occasions, I wanted to blame the world or circumstances for the mishaps in my life. Once I stopped avoiding the truth I was met with the harsh reality that my own mind was the culprit. For some reason, we like to ignore the fact we decide to act and react in life. Yes, it’s true outer…



Kurt Anderson
Heart Revolution

A seeker of truth and kinship. Artist, and Personal Philosopher. Here to love, share, and grow with like minds. Thank you for reading.