Be The Answer To Someone’s Prayers
Rise in being a pillar of hope, goodness, righteousness
Be The Answer To Someone’s Prayers
We are living in challenging times,
Wars and genocide on the rise,
Influential celebrities being arrested,
Sadistic secrets and heinous crimes,
Accomplices escaping and cutting ties,
A messed up humanity laid bare,
Harming, hurting, killing without a care,
Nefarious entities in justice and power,
Those meant to protect and serve,
Taking money and enabling the perves,
We all watch, observe, take heed,
Scroll though our social media feed,
We all judge on what we read,
It is time to no longer be a bystander,
Rise in being a pillar of hope, goodness, righteousness,
Go out and purposely help those in need,
Be the answer to someone’s prayers,
Be the embodiment of a soul,
Carrying out a daily good deed.