Black hole is like a seed for new lifeform | Philosia: The Art of seeing all

Sandeep Kumar Verma
Heart Revolution
Published in
8 min readAug 2, 2024

On 11 April, 2019 IST, I was watching BBC News in English when this breaking news of first image of Black Hole, created by Event Horizon Telescope, was broadcasted on TV. Immediately the need to record my intuition is felt and I created a new YouTube channel @Philosia and created a video on what is my hypothesis about possible direction of future research for looking into it’s conversion of enormous energy of black hole into new life form.

I have added more proof about an Indian mystics Kanad, in 2nd century BC, who discovered that a dust particle consists of Atom (Anu) and PraramAnu (elements) etc. Source : Vaisheshika, Wekipaedia.

Today I read this passage from Osho’s book, and here Osho is also seen as supporting this claim that science has yet to understand that energy conversion happens in circle.

On 21st July, 1976 Osho was talking to his disciples on ancient Chinese Buddhist scripture ’42 Sutras of Buddha’, from his book ‘The Discipline of transcendence, Vol 3, #5, Become a Driftwood.

Osho:- …Everything is moving in a circle! So why should there be an exception — time?

Time also moves in a circle. One cannot go back-wards, but if you go on ahead, moving ahead, one day time starts moving in a circle. You reach to the beginningless beginning, or, now you can call it the endless end.

Buddha has known it, experienced it.

What the scientists call ‘the big bang’ I call ‘cosmic orgasm’.

And that seems to me more meaningful. ‘Big bang’ looks a little ugly, too technological, inhuman.

‘Cosmic orgasm’ — the cosmos exploded into orgasm. Millions of forms were born out of it. And it was a tremendously blissful experience, so let us call it ‘cosmic orgasm’. (Like a baby/seed explodes after orgasm in any female womb, mystic also called nothingness as Womb. Lao Tzu also called that cosmic energy Tao is feminine, passive but stronger than anything. )

In that orgasm three things developed.

First, the universe; what we in the East call SAT. Out of the universe developed life; what we call ANANDA. And out of life developed mind, what we call CHIT. Sat means being; ANANDA means celebrating the being — when a tree comes to bloom, it is celebrating its being.

And CHIT means consciousness — when you have become conscious about your bliss, about your celebration.

These three states: SATCHITANANDA.

Man has come up to the mind.

The rocks are still at the first stage: universe — they exist but they don’t flower, they don’t celebrate; they are closed, coiled upon themselves. Some day they will start moving, some day they will open their petals, but right now they are caved within themselves, completely closed.

Trees, animals, they have come to the next stage: life — so happy, so beautiful, so colourful. The birds go on singing, and the trees go on blooming. This is the second stage: life.

The third stage, only man has reached it: the state of mind, the state of CHIT — consciousness.

Buddha says: These three are like a dream.

The first, the beginningless beginning, the primordial state, is like sleep — SUSHUPTI.

These three are like a dream; these three are like a drama that goes on unfolding.

If you move beyond mind, if you start moving towards meditation, that is towards no-mind, again another explosion happens, but now it is no longer explosion — it is implosion. (A black hole is also an implosion.)

Just as one day explosion happened and millions of things were born out of nothingness, so when implosion happens, forms, names disappear — again nothingness is born out of it. The circle is complete.

The scientists talk only about explosion, they don’t talk about implosion yet — which is very illogical. Because if explosion is possible, then implosion is also possible.

A seed is thrown into the earth. It explodes. A tree is born, then on the tree again seeds are born. What is a seed now? When the seed explodes, it is a tree.

When the tree implodes, it is again a seed.

The seed was carrying a tree; it opened itself and became a tree. Now the tree again closes itself, caves in, becomes a small seed.

If explosion happened in the world, as scientists now trust, then the Buddhist idea of implosion is also a reality.

Explosion cannot exist without implosion.

They both go together.

Implosion means again mind moves into life, life moves into universe, universe moves into nothingness — then the circle is complete.

Nothingness moves into universe, universe moves into life, life moves into mind, mind again moves into life, life again into universe, universe again into nothingness… the circle is complete.

After implosion, when it has happened, when everything has again come to nothingness, now there is a difference.

The first nothingness was unconscious; this second nothingness is conscious. The first was like darkness; the second is like light.

The first was like night; the second is like day. The first we called

SUSHUPTI; the second we will call JAGRITI — awareness, fully awake.

This is the whole circle.

The first scientists call ‘the big bang theory’ because there was so much explosion and so much noise. It was a big bang. Just a moment before everything was silent, there was no noise, no sound, and after one moment, when the existence exploded, there was so much sound and so much noise. All sorts of noises started.

What happens when the explosion disappears into an implosion?

The soundless sound. Now there is no longer any noise. Again everything is silent. This is what Zen calls the sound of one hand clapping. This is what Hindus have called ANAHATNADA, OMKAR — the soundless sound.

The first Hindus have called NADAVISPHOT — big bang, the sound exploded.

And the second is ANAHATNAADA, again when the sound moves into silence; the story is complete…

Science is still clinging to the half story; the other half is missing. -Osho, The Discipline of transcendence, Vol 3, #5 Become a driftwood.

Vaisheshika espouses a form of atomism, that the reality is composed of five substances (examples are earth, water, air, fire, and space). Each of these five are of two types, explains Ganeri:[6] paramāṇu and composite. A paramāṇu is that which is indestructible, indivisible, and has a special kind of dimension, called “small” (aṇu or Atom). A composite is that which is divisible into paramāṇu. Whatever human beings perceive is composite, and even the smallest perceptible thing, namely, a fleck of dust, has parts, which are therefore invisible.[6] The Vaiśeṣikas visualized the smallest composite thing as a “triad” (tryaṇuka) with three parts, each part with a “dyad” (dyaṇuka). Vaiśeṣikas believed that a dyad has two parts, each of which is an atom. Size, form, truths and everything that human beings experience as a whole is a function of parmanus, their number and their spatial arrangements.

Parama means “most distant, remotest, extreme, last” and aṇu means “atom, very small particle”, hence paramāṇu is essentially “the most distant or last small (i.e. smallest) particle”. (It was later discovered as Electron).

My hypothesis about Black Hole :-

In my opinion just like ‘event horizon’ there exists complimentary of it within every human being. All those who remain inside of it live in mind or ego. And only they have ego but keep enhancing it too and keep running their whole life to fulfill their desires, but the distance between them and their unfulfilled desires remains same just like their distance from visible horizon.

Meditation helps in crossing that complimentary horizon and one by one desires, mind and ultimately the ego too drops, and that person falls into nothingness or singularity or consciousness. Falling into it is also coming out of black hole too, and the consciousness merges with cosmic consciousness. (This experience is called spiritual awakening) It is our fourth invisible dimension that we carry with us in our 3D body, call it the soul or the self or cosmic consciousness.

This falling out from black hole and coming back happens within a moment as explained by video of Arvin Ash, link given below. But in that moment everything is seen through the third eye and the claustrum in our brain takes full control of the brain. Till this moment it was just a slave and passing every information through it obeying the mind. Now it becomes King and this experience is described by Jesus as entering the kingdom of God.
So the circle of life can be scientifically described as :- In the beginning only ‘4th invisible dimension’ existed and from that 3D matter is created.

So ‘event horizon’ of Black hole demarcates entry of dead object form to life form till human being. Black hole is supplying energy to one or many life forms including human being.

Human being can be considered as sitting at or in a state that represent the ‘complimentary of event horizon’ because of inactive claustrum in brain. The spiritual awakening makes the third eye and claustrum active by crossing the ‘complimentary of even horizon’ and initial 4th Dimension state gets separated from life form and start using body and mind as slave through ‘third eye and claustrum’.

Important YouTube videos on Black hole are by Arvin Ash and BBC

My suggestions:-

In my opinion science fraternity need to recognise meditation as much more helpful than AI for predicting possible direction of research in those fields where not enough data is available to scientists.

So every school needs to have facility to impart meditation technique to those science students who are interested in it.

Awareness Meditation is the way worked for me and I tried it first during brushing my teeth in the morning after trying 8–10 meditations over period of 15 years! So there is no need to reinvent the circle for you. May be you too find it suitable otherwise with Dynamic meditation and/or Kundalini in the evening it is suitable for most of the people. There are 110 other meditation techniques discovered by Indian Mystic Gorakhnath about 500years before and further modified by Osho for contemporary people that one can experiment and the suitable one could be practiced in routine life.

Hi ….. I write my comments from my personal experiences of my inner journey. This post may include teachings of Mystics around the world which from my personal experience I found worth following even today. For more have a look at my linktree website for getting regular updates through social media lor subscribe to YouTube channel or listen to the podcasts etc.

For references of content on Osho, Copyright © OSHO International Foundation, An MP3 audio file of this discourse can be downloaded from Osho(dot)com or you can listen or watch his discourses @ OSHO International channel of YouTube where you can get subtitles in language of your choice or you can read the entire book online at the Osho Library. Many of Osho’s books are available online at Amazon.

My suggestions:-

Osho International Online (OIO) provides facility to learn these from your home, through Osho Meditation Day @€20.00 per person. You can learn Dynamic meditations from disciples of Osho. OIO rotate times through three timezones NY,Berlin and Mumbai.

Originally published at on August 2, 2024.



Heart Revolution
Heart Revolution

Published in Heart Revolution

Writing from your heart and sharing the unconditional, divine love that exists within waiting to be shown. We are ONE collective, ONE humanity, ONE love

Sandeep Kumar Verma
Sandeep Kumar Verma

Written by Sandeep Kumar Verma

Spiritual seeker conveying own experiences. Ego is only an absence, like darkness, bring in the lamp_awareness&BeA.LightUntoYourself.

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