Change Your Thinking to Change Your Life

Reclaim your life by shifting your thoughts.

Victoria Gregg
Heart Revolution


Photo by Nighthawk Shoots on Unsplash

It’s time to take steps to recreate yourself and reclaim your life

Where do you start? Your mind is the perfect place to start.

Perspective and mindset are critical. When studying people that have transformed their lives, they all speak about how they changed their lives by changing their thinking.

Wayne Dyer said, “if you change how, you look at things, the things you look at change.” This is such an important concept.

Mindset and perspective make a significant impact on redirecting our thoughts. Listening to Negative people or watching the news can encourage cynicism.

There is something called negative bias. Humans tend to focus more on adverse events than positive ones. Negative things have a more significant impact on our lives than positive ones, and we feel them more intensely. That’s why when you turn on your TV, it’s all doom and gloom because it brings in ratings, but it can cause us to become disillusioned and stuck.

A negative mind won’t give you a positive life, so be careful who



Victoria Gregg
Heart Revolution

Writer, Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Holistic Life Coach,and Speaker, motivating others to live their best lives.