Clean Your Mind, Body, Life, Home, Mother Earth

Cleanse, Purify, Sanctify

Filza Chaudhry
Heart Revolution


Photo by Oliver Hale on Unsplash

Clean Your Mind, Body, Life, Home, Mother Earth

Triggers are teachers,
Lessons are blessings,
Poisons are warnings,
Diseases are imbalances,
Take heed of your actions,
Cleanliness is next to Godliness,
Quieten the overthinking monkey mind,
Be aware of all that is consumed to unwind,
Social Media creates addictions in their bind,
Processed, chemical, microwaved foods,
Disrupt our internal digest and functionings,
Harmful agents in self care and cleaning products,
Create hidden imbalances and toxins unknowingly,
Hoarding and collecting material clutter,
Temporary modes of dopamine flutter,
Reduce, decrease, simplify,
Excessive plastics found within and without,
As Mother Earth struggles with harm and destruction,
We too create our early demise and loss of life,
We can reverse it all at any given moment,
Start now, start today,
Do an inventory of all negatives, poisons and pains,
Create a checklist for change,
Implement to improve, lessen and gain,
Research, make notes, embrace and rectify,
Cleanse, purify, sanctify,
Be an embodiment for others to exemplify.



Filza Chaudhry
Heart Revolution

Writer, Poet, Creative Visionary, Humanitarian, Editor of Heart Revolution. We are ONE collective, ONE humanity, ONE love💗