Courageous Women Are What Rumi Calls ‘Lovers’. We Ride the Dragons

Fear not, my friends, be courageous

Desiree Driesenaar
Heart Revolution
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2021


Picture: Angeline 1 via Pixabay

Lovers and men of intellect cannot mix;
How can you mix the broken with the unbroken?
Cautious men of intellect shrink back from a dead ant;
Lovers, completely carefree, trample down dragons.

— Jalal-ud-Din Rumi
(Translated by Andrew Harvey from A Year of Rumi)

What I like about wild soul women? They have deep inner lives, huge compassion, and skills to create the future. If we find our courage, we will move mountains. Professionally, and personally. Not thinking too much. Not afraid of being ‘different’. Not caring that something has never been done before.

And when we gather a group of supportive women around us, we become an unstoppable wave. Eroding oppression. Nurturing life. Taking responsibility for outcomes and processes. Caring deeply for ourselves and for others.

Courageous women are the ‘lovers’ in this poem by Rumi.

Completely carefree, we trample down dragons. Or as I’d rather say, we ride the dragons…

To Unbreak the Broken

Our broken world, our broken spirit,
needs repairing.

