Dangerous Ideas

Neera Handa Dr
Heart Revolution
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2024



Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

It’s not the knives

Nor guns

It is not religion

And it’s not a gender war!

It is hamartia

The tragic flaw that humanity suffers from

This violence emanates from our mind

A trickle of dangerous ideas that if not curbed

Turns into this torrent of hateful differences

In which…

I see someone looking through your bloodshot eyes

And by the time

This realisation, “It is me”, hits

It’s too late!!

I have killed

Yes, I’ve shut your eyes

Cause, I had shut mine!!

Why there’s so much hatred in this world?

Two separate stabbing incidents, one in a shopping mall and one in a church has shaken us in Sydney. The question “why” is being answered by police, psychologists, bystanders, academics, yes, one was an attack on women, yes, but a nine-month-old child, and her young mother? Not even known to the killer. There are 5 women and a security guard dead, plus the killer, who was finally shot, and the second one was a terrorist attack, a 16-year-old troubled youth attacked a man of cloth, in the church, and the reason was, as such senseless killings are, to terrorise, to tell the world, something, or to make a point!

But what?

I’m not sure!!



Neera Handa Dr
Heart Revolution

Top writer in poetry & Sustainability, compulsive writer, reading, writing just about anything. I write daily, have published a PhD, a book & academic articles.