The Evolution of EnSouled Beings


What Does it Entail and Is it Possible?

...TT Andromeda-Love As One❤️...
Heart Revolution


The Evolution of a Species of humanoid beings that consists of those who were once Fully Expressed EnSouled Beings of Light.

Expressing themselves within bodily organics of their choosing.


Because of their current way of experiencing and expressing themselves — they’re unaware that their limitations are DEPLORABLE to those who recognize who they are.

Even more, the task to assist in their return isn’t supported by them and because of this… we are at an impasse.

Proactive Participation is REQUIRED to move further along this path of enlightenment for these beings who are unaware.

This… Dear Ones, is the conundrum we find ourselves in you see.

The Angelic Realms

Full Active Ascension is someone who is undergoing a Spiritual Awakening Process who’ll continue to move further along to be uplifted to a higher consciousness field while still within their organic form.

The end goal is to descend more of their highly charged energetics that’s been allocated for The New Human Template.

From The Vastness of Their Soul’s Essence.


For those of you who’ve incarnated during this Cycle of Change, with plans in place to evolve out of the densities of the 3rd dimension… this writing is for you.

As Incarnated EnSouled Beings of Light

You should know that expressing yourselves within your current model of bodily organics is inadequate for the highly charged energetics you are made of.

… and as highly evolved beings expressing in your multiverse of expressions-

You are afforded a myriad of Levels of Light in which to experience yourselves.

From those perspectives — you are aware of the limitations you’re experiencing because of the densities in your 3rd-dimensional realities.

… and you recognize the obstacles you face on the path ahead of you.

So within your expressions in The Higher Light Realities… you’re loved and supported by many versions of self.

However, we need to enlighten the 3rd-dimensional versions of your expressions as these densities are unacceptable for highly evolved beings.

… as this Level of Light is the topic of this writing.

Because of these same limitations — you're still unable to receive that this model of humanity has run its course.


Never again will highly evolved beings of light animate this version of humanoid in your multiverse of expressions.

You see, there’s been a RECALL for this model of humanoid.

No different than the recalls received from manufacturers that have been made aware of faulty materials due to a mistake at the factory.

This way of experiencing yourselves wasn’t a default by The Higher Light of Source.

However, it will be remedied by The Angelic Realms forthwith.

Okay, so the ascension process is multi-layered… requiring your attention once you’ve reached a certain point within your light quotient increases.

You should know our measurements include the entirety of the collective of those who are in line to evolve.

So, we’re speaking to all of you who’ve been prompted to read this.

If you’re familiar with these writings— then you’re aware that we addressed the issue of your disregard for the synchronistic occurrences that’ve been repeating continuously in your realities.

We were hopeful that your curiosity to understand the significance of these occurrences would have you researching the reasons for them.

But, after you acknowledged these happenings… the majority of you just moved on as if they were unimportant.

So, we’re here to tell you that your acknowledgment of these repeated occurrences far exceeds your curiosity to understand why they are taking place.

… and we’re still waiting for you to assist us with your return to the higher light.

Full Active Ascension requires you to ready your bodily organics by making the changes needed to do this.

Dear Ones, WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE… so we’re also aware of your capabilities.


If you’re being prompted to assist, we would greatly appreciate it.

To begin — the bare minimum would be for you to stop the ingestation and topical usage of fluoride.

This one thing alone will at least allow your Team of Lightworkers to commence with clearing your petrified pineal glands.

This will also allow you to communicate with Your Higher Self and Your Team who are patiently waiting to get started with the bare minimums requested here.

The next step, again, the bare minimum in this regard — would be to give 20 minutes of your time in Silence and Stillness.

This will allow Your Team to focus on clearing your energy expression pathways {chakras/meridians}, with your dedication to doing this at the same time every day.

All Images Created on Canva

They will then recognize your willingness to join them by assisting with this daily activity.😇

Okay, here it is… stop with behaviors unbecoming a highly evolved being of light and disassociate with those who are unable to evolve.

The majority of you have been prompted daily to do this… as associating with beings devoid of light is hindering you immensely.

Doing these things will be a great start for Your Team to get you to the next Level of Light.

… allowing you to increase your light quotient — propelling you further along in your journey to self-realization.

Full Active Ascension requires you to descend more of yourselves into your Organized Bodies of Light thereby uplifting your bodily organics out of the lower densities.

Continuing on this path will allow you to communicate with Your Team of Lightworkers and from there they will notify you directly as to what’s needed from you.

… instead of using the repeated prompts that have been consistent in your reality.

So, to answer the question-

Is it possible to Achieve Full Active Ascension?

The answer is YES.

However, it does entail the bare minimums discussed here —

By honoring our request… you will begin to recognize that you have assistance and because of this.

You will also realize that this is actually happening to you… and isn’t just a fun topic to write about.😊

We Appreciate You and Love You Very Much,

The Angelic Realms

With Tons of Love, Honor and Appreciation for Full Active Ascension,

© TT Andromeda❤️



...TT Andromeda-Love As One❤️...
Heart Revolution

A Self-Expressionist... I'm Motivated by The Divinity of Self! Allow me to enlighten you by SHINING A LIGHT on TRUTH. Shared by The Higher Light Realities.