Call to Action

Green Tara

Rise of the Female Bodhisattva

Upasana Sharma
Heart Revolution


Photo by JJ Jordan on Unsplash

Suffering adheres
To Eight-fold fears
Pleasure, Pain
Loss, Gain
Praise, Blame
Notoriety and Fame
Tara Green
Nothing unseen
Clearing murk
Compassion’s work
Dakini dance
Meditative trance
Experience divine
Unending time
Enlightened vision
Wisdom’s provision
Eyes-open, Soul-bare
Present moment aware
Inter-connected above
Ever present love
Timeless now
Transformational know-how
Heartfelt healer
Intuitive feeler
Healing uplift
Priceless gift

Footnote:A fully enlightened female Buddha, Tara is the actuality of compassion and wisdom. Meditating on her, says Lama Palden Drolma, can awaken our own Buddha nature. The word Tara itself is derived from the root ‘tri’ (to cross), hence the implied meaning: ‘the one who enables living beings to cross the Ocean of Existence and Suffering’. As green is the universal color of healing, regeneration, and growth, the Green Tara embodies the healing energy of release from fear and ignorance. Human ignorance comes in many forms — from jealousy to pride — and it’s the healing energy of Green Tara that brings awareness and relief from these negative aspects.

Green is also the color of vibrant energy and activity, which explains one of the aspects associated with Green Tara as the goddess of action. She is often depicted with her right leg extended forward — ready to spring/move forward at any moment. Her compassion for living beings, her desire to save them from suffering, is said to be even stronger than a mother’s love for her children.Visualize and embody the Buddha nature to alleviate your pains.

In spiritual world, Death is not necessarily always physical. We undergo several deaths in one lifetime. We sink in to the abyssal pits of massive disintegrations, masks are taken off, often times involuntary. We feel raw, naked and exposed. But that’s where we draw our power from. Having seen both upper and the netherworld up close and personal, nothing scares us anymore. Shadow and light, we become one with both.

As Above, So below, As within, So without.

With the rise of collective consciousness set forth in motion in the year 2012, The subsequent time period, especially that of 2012,2015,2016,2018 and 2020 brought along major shakeups in the world, no less.

2021 marks the 11th year anniversary since my pineal gland fully became ‘woke’ and ‘operational’. Oh, what a joyride has it been! Pheww! Though, I wouldn’t trade it for any other treasure in the world, for it made me who I am today. Not been any easier, but definitely worthwhile. It was Mother Mary and Green Tara’s hand guiding me all along.

We are here at this intersection today, pertaining to the visions and downloads I have been receiving ever since the arrival of Spring. Universe speaks in visions, patterns, numbers and frequencies. Energy is fluid, it may resonate today or five months later, doesn’t matter. The message may/may not apply to all. Take what resonates and leave the rest:

  • Vision of a woman with a bow and arrow entering the woods, being led by a luminous deer came forward. We are nurturers by nature, we are not there to hunt anybody. The message speaks of going into solitude to recharge your weary soul, at the same time discerning when to choose fight/flight, of readiness and springing into action when need be. The paradox of an arrow being pulled backwards to be shot further ahead.
  • Stepping into the wild unknown, the support being sent anyways. Let Go and Let God.
  • Tree of Life, as I already mentioned the quote, ‘As above, so below, As within, so without’.
  • The Merkaba Star, the violet flame and Archangel Metatron’s presence on Earth field. Call upon Metatron for assistance, He’s here.
  • Rise of the Female Bodhisattva, Be prepared to watch your mothers, daughters, sisters, girlfriends stepping into fame and light.
  • Themes around Power struggle and Freedom being addressed.

Thank you for your precious time and energy, dear ones!

Mother archetypes of Green Tara and Mary are making their presence known today, affirming love and protection for their children. Open your arms to receive🕊️💚



Upasana Sharma
Heart Revolution

Usui reiki master • Shamanic healer • Empowerment coach • Podcaster • Writer • Polyglot • Teacher • Entrepreneur •