Happiness Isn’t So Complicated

From chasing dreams to savoring moments…

Rosa Diaz-Casal
Heart Revolution
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2024


Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

What if we could reframe our minds to think of happiness as little treasures that can be found in everyday life? I wonder how many of us would stop chasing it and just enjoy each moment for what it is.

I think that a happy life is not waiting around for some perfect outcome. It is collecting small moments of joy in our everyday life.

I’ve changed my perspective and I see that the opportunity to be happy is always abundant. It’s up to us to seek it and to embrace it.

I recently read a quote that said, ‘if you can’t find joy in a cup of coffee, you won’t find it in a yacht’. This quote gave me a much-needed perspective. If I can feel pleasure from the smallest thing, I won’t fully appreciate or be fulfilled by luxuries either.

In a world that is so stimulating and abundant, I think it’s easier than ever to buy our way into a happier life.

The problem is that after we buy that thing, product or gadget, we all return to our baseline happiness and the excitement is so short-lived.

In contrast, appreciating the humble moments in life allows us to form a deeper connection with our surroundings and gives us a new lens to experience life through.

