Engaging in Society’s Distractions/The Human Ego/Two-World Split


What’s Taking Place Behind The Scenes While You Slumber

...TT Andromeda-Love As One❤️...
Heart Revolution


The changing of Bodies into Light, and Light into Bodies, is very conformable to the Course of Nature, which seems delighted with Transmutations.

- Sir Isaac Newton, Philosophical Physicist and Alchemist

Video Created on Canva/D-ID Presenters/YouTube-All Other Images Created on and/or Courtesy of Canva

I thought I would share where I AM now in my awakening to The Oneness of Self.

In the last month or so I’ve traversed multiple Levels of Light in my awareness.

… and every day that I awaken offers something new for me to uncover.

Today was no different.

However, before I share where I AM now in my expression… I would like to say this.

Even though I know that awakening spiritually is a path you’ll find yourself on alone.

It’s still very sad that highly evolved Beings of Light who’ve forgotten themselves are distracted by this reality’s status quo.

Which isn’t worth giving a moment of your time… in my opinion.

For those of you who feel you have to participate to sustain your lifestyle, please understand this-

If you follow the Synchronicities and Prompts in your reality you’ll be able to increase your light quotient to the appropriate level that allow you to move beyond your current conscious awareness.

And what comes with following these suggestions from the Higher Light are situations and people who will assist you while Your Team of Lightworkers clears your energy expression pathways and brain.

So, if you’re thinking-

How will I support myself without money?

My answer would be this-

Again, following these prompts will lead you to where you need to be.

Even assisting you with manifesting those who would help you with navigating this reality —

That is… for a place to stay and food to eat.

Now, I know some would frown on having others assist them with the day-to-day of life because you would rather do that yourself.

Especially, seeing how you’ve always been able to take care of your own needs.

Please consider this offering-

This is EGO.

Plain and simple.

I understand it completely… because the EGO was created by you in the absence and limitations of your Soul’s Expression.

But only because the reality that you’re currently expressing within has a foundation of negatively charged energetics that bolsters a mission statement highlighting-


However, what you stand to lose altogether is way more important than catering to your EGO.

I wish I could share my experiences in real-time… where you can feel what I have.

… and still can.

Because then you would turn away from these distractions without hesitating.

But, all I have are my words to share with you for now.

So, I’ll do just that.

I now understand that this reality was constructed entirely to deceive highly charged Beings of Light.

Think about it-

As a Soul, we choose what we want to experience.

I know that many of you have accepted this understanding or have always received this as truth.

In my awakening process I’ve come to realize this.

Okay, so with this being the case — would you mind answering this question for me?

Why would you choose to live in a reality that supports negative energetics more so than LOVE?

Or, here’s a better question-

Why would you choose to experience and express yourselves within limitations that would shield you from your divine nature?

... hmmm?

Why would you do that?

I will offer this understanding for you to consider-


The genetics within this model of humanoid was engineered so you would forget who you are.

This was purposeful… so that others (beings devoid of light) could siphon from the high charge of your Soul’s Essence.

Using your highly charged energetics as a resource to experience themselves in organic form.

Family of Light, I couldn’t make this up if I tried.

This information isn’t anything I want to be true, believe that.

When my family {The Angelic Realms} asked me to write about it… I took pause.

This is horrible.

Not something I wanted to share as truth, that’s for sure.

Interested in reading more, this writing will assist in shining a light for you.

Something else I uncovered in my awakening is this-

There are lower creational worlds as well as higher light realities in the multiverse.

With beings just like us who’ve forgotten themselves because they too are expressing and experiencing themselves in an organic structure that’s inadequate for the Vastness of Self.

… but they too have an opportunity to take part in the Cycles of Change.

Thankfully there are those in these realities who’ve received these highly charged light particles who have begun their return to the higher light.

Just like some of us have.

Also, my awareness level allows for expansive communication in the multiverse.

Because of this, I know that there are a great many of you who haven’t made any changes to align yourselves with the Light Beings who are assisting you.

My activated DNA allows me to communicate with the collective of who we all are to gain an understanding of exactly where we are as a whole.

There are so many of you, who are ignoring these prompts that are on repeat from your higher self.

Please understand that participating in your recovery in this lifecycle is crucial because Lady Gaia is also evolving.

This is huge because that means there will be a separation of energetics — that of course has already taken place.

I’m privy to this information because there isn’t a future as you understand it to be.

There’s only NOW.

Because everything is happening at once… I know that at some point by engaging with negative energetics {situation/beings} your high charge will diminish to the point where it’ll be depleted.

… so eventually, you’ll be on the other side of our planet’s separation.


If you can imagine this-

The resonance of LOVE is so high that the density from anchored negative energetics will allow this separation to take place.

No different than a huge bubble of air rising to the top while immersed in water.

There will be two of the same.

Completely different from one another energetically though —

Two Earths.

One highly charged with the energetics of LOVE and the other heavy with the densities that accompany negatively charged energetics.

… and just because you are a good person doesn’t automatically place you on the LOVE planet.

Because this shift requires you to acknowledge yourself-

You would have to participate and over time the increase in your light quotient will place you where you need to be.

Being nice isn’t enough!

… and even though our planet has already split energetically — please understand there are also an infinite number of Earths.

All vibrating at different levels of light — ranging between negative and positive.

So, you have to wake up now to participate in your recovery.

Especially if LOVE is your interest —

You also need to understand that there are merges in these realities taking place every nano-second.

Eventually, there will only be the two left standing… meaning there will no longer be a range within these Levels of Light.

So, you will need to proactively participate in clearing away the encumbrances from your heart chakra to anchor your energetics to the Love planet you see.

Honor Who You Are Family of Light-

Our resonance is so high that it was difficult for me to maintain my awareness level while visiting the energetics of the collective of our expression.

Again, there isn’t anything this reality has to offer that’s more attractive than returning to the divinity of self.

We are so beautiful to behold… it was truly remarkable.

I was speechless.

So, we’ve already made it-

… and I know you want to be amongst those who match the resonance of the LOVE planet.

Please, take heed now so you can ready yourselves for the final anchoring to the planet that matches your highly charged energetics.

With Tons of Appreciation and Honor for The Planet That Resonates Love,

© The Angelic Realms



...TT Andromeda-Love As One❤️...
Heart Revolution

A Self-Expressionist... I'm Motivated by The Divinity of Self! Allow me to enlighten you by SHINING A LIGHT on TRUTH. Shared by The Higher Light Realities.