Is This the End of Accountants?

As the banks and governments fall, will we need accounting?

Aleandra Monet
Heart Revolution
4 min readDec 1, 2021


Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

A friend of mine was looking to hire an accountant for their business. Chatting with someone in one of the big accounting firms, she found out that many accountants are leaving and that the firms are giving huge pay increases to try to get them to stay.

He shared that they just weren’t satisfied with the work anymore. It wasn’t fulfilling — more exhausting than nourishing… Just not worth losing so many hours of their life.

Maybe as the consciousness rises, people are truly seeking work that nourishes them. Maybe these folks are burnt out.

And maybe they are simply a part of a system that will no longer be needed as the structures fall.

The strange idea of taxation

One of the veils that have been falling recently is this strange idea of giving money to a body of people for really no good reason.

To imagine that if I work and make $10 that I give anywhere from $3 to $7 of that to this elite group of people is very strange. To think that if I go and buy a pair of pants, I also give them a portion of that. To think that if I purchase land, I give them money each year because I own it.

This was part of my inner structure growing up so it wasn’t really questioned. The government took care of the roads, healthcare, general care of the country, right? Taxation was normal.

But is it?

Most of the taxes we pay were brought in as temporary measures during times of crisis like war… then they just stayed.

As we look at how the money is spent, the insane income of politicians, the waste, and the extravagance, there is no way that we would hand over this kind of money if we knew how it would be spent ahead of time.

To give a bit of money to those who care for roads and things that we share, sure… but that isn’t what is happening. This is much more mafia-like. There is no choice. We simply hand over whatever we’re told to give regardless of what we get in return.

None of this makes any sense anymore.

Who does accounting serve?

I was a computer programmer when computers were becoming the norm in businesses. A big part of my job was to create programs so that the companies could “report to the government”. With this kind of computer automation, the government was able to get more detailed information for their books.

Why did they need this? What did this have to do with creating laws and maintaining the roads?

Having owned businesses, I can fully appreciate excellent book-keeping with internal reporting to understand the financial flow within a company. This is incredibly helpful.

But I don’t need an accountant to do this.

Long before computers, people figured this flow out on paper, eye-balling it, and simply observing trends and patterns.

But now, every single transaction, no matter how small and insignificant, must be reported. Why? So that the government knows how much to take from you this year.

For fifty years, this made some kind of sense to me. Now it just sounds like the king sending his peons around to collect money from the poor so that he can stay in his lofty castle. It makes no sense at all.

The people’s government

I don’t know what it will look like in the world that is coming into being. I would imagine that there are those who will enjoy caring for the roads, defending the town (I’m not sure against who though), and doing general maintenance on the common areas.

But it won’t be like this.

We won’t pay endless amounts of money to self-appointed mafia, cabal, elites, government, or whatever they want to call themselves.

So we also won’t need the many systems that have been created to “report” to them either.

Imagine. We won’t report to anyone. We will just live. We will work. We will enjoy. No Big Brother watching.

Just freedom (and new lives for our accountant friends).



Aleandra Monet
Heart Revolution

💗 Mystic · Expanding into our full human nature · Loving life. ✨