Is This the End of Coffee Shops as the Elite Class Disappears?

What happens when we no longer have poorly-paid servants?

Katrina Bos
Heart Revolution


Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels

Here in Canada, Tim Hortons (our biggest donut/coffee store chain) is having to shorten their hours due to being unable to find people to work there. Why? Well, one reason is that people started making $2,000/month on a covid government benefit which is more than they would make working at ole Timmies.

Some people criticize the ex-employees saying that “people don’t want to work” or “they are being lazy”. The actual fact is that receiving $2,000/month on benefits was a fortune compared to what their working take-home pay was. I’m quite sure that these critics are not making $24,000 before taxes and expenses!

Making minimum wage, after taxes and transportation costs, if you have to pay for daycare, you are actually losing money by going to work. These folks are making a wise financial choice by not going to work to get further behind.

The False Independence of Minimum Wage

So, let’s go back a hundred or so years when it was okay to have slaves and servants. Due to the hoarding of wealth by the monarchies and wealthy families, this created a financial scarcity leaving people homeless, poor, and starving. And so, out of…



Katrina Bos
Heart Revolution

Tantra teacher・Mathematician・Free-spirit・Mystic Heart・Author・Exploring this amazing world. For more details: