It’s All Good in the Spiritual Hood

Filza Chaudhry
Heart Revolution
Published in
6 min readDec 13, 2021


Spiritual Gangsters are rising and carrying out God’s plan with vigor and fortitude…All are welcome in love and light!!!

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

The light shines brighter day by day
Dark forces are losing their power
Brutal honesty is coming into play
Those succumbing to darkness and negativity
Can be saved, healed, transformed in many ways
Warriors are multiplying in all forms of creativity
Rebirthing from cocoons of self isolation
Purging and releasing inner demons
Resurrecting in servitude to the Almighty
Empowerment in one’s inner flame
No more negative ‘woe is me’ game
Seen, read, experienced too much hatred
Spewing from all crevices, corners and ill-advised minds
No longer serving as triggers
Or reasons to stay down
Spiritual gangsters see through it all
Focusing on cleaning up the shit
Created by the elite and their obliging clowns
Pillaging and plundering
Wherever they cast their greedy, evil eye
No more tears, sorrow or despair
Humanity is going to start playing fair
The new scripture is LOVE
Unconditional LOVE
Working tirelessly to put things right
Healing one another
Come day or night
Guided by our hearts intelligence
Embracing change and self revelation
Stepping into oneness
No more illusions
Only revelations of TRUTH
Returning back to your sacred epitome
Back to divine consciousness
Are you ready to rise enlightened one?



Filza Chaudhry
Heart Revolution

Writer, Poet, Creative Visionary, Humanitarian, Editor of Heart Revolution. We are ONE collective, ONE humanity, ONE love💗