Let The Energies of Hope and Inspiration Swirl Around You
Embracing the magic of new beginnings and the infinite possibilities that lie ahead
Hope and Inspiration
Darkness seems to loom its ugly head,
Day in day out knawing away,
Hidden in the depths of our being,
Rising to the forefront,
Testing us in many a painful manner,
Heightened by its external force,
We can cry, scream, pray, sleep,
We can procastinate, or medicate,
We can face it head on,
We can surrender to divine forces,
We can join forces with other souls,
We can stand up, defeat, overcome,
Our lives are forever shifting,
We cannot always control,
What is coming…
The disruption and turmoil creating,
Standing steadfast in our foundation,
Protecting our peace,
Nurturing our strength and resilience,
We can remain laser focused,
Attracting hope, joy, positivity,
Repelling negativity whilst healing,
Changing our daily routines,
Breaking out of our comfort zones,
Closing doors, chapters, cycles,
Being the light shining brighter,
A warrior, a creator, a fighter,
A status quo rule breaker,
Traversing new paths,
Embracing the magic of new beginnings,
And the infinite possibilities,
That lie ahead…