Overwintering Plants

Reminds me to survive.

Margie Pearl
Heart Revolution


Cuban Oregano in an oversized mug
Cuban Oregano (photo by Author)

I’ve tried to kickstart a garden by planting the seeds indoors and I’ve failed.

There are so many reasons, but it boils down to this.

I don’t understand the conditions

Year after year, I’ve tried to plant seeds indoors to give them a jumpstart on growing.

The seeds germinate in their little peat pockets, but soon damp off and wither.

Gardening takes a seasonal mix of optimism, pragmatism, and patience.

Even then success is not guaranteed.

Besides water and fertilizer, each plant has its optimal season, soil type, and sun tolerance to thrive and grow strong.

Now, I wait for the all clear that sudden frosts are over. I get advice from experienced gardeners. I sow seeds directly into the soil where I think they will grow.

Last year, I tried growing beets in a huge pot and all I got were leaves. I was trying to keep them from the bunnies, but beets need to be in solid ground. They were in limbo above the surface.

Spring has sprung

Last week, I saw a wooly caterpillar on the driveway. Thinking it would freeze to death, I stuck it among the dry leaves and warm earth…



Margie Pearl
Heart Revolution

Tell me a story! margie@margiepearl.com. Author, storyteller, poet, seamstress, knitter, gardener. Bio.link/margiepe