Peruvian Cosmovision


In Exalting Praise Of Mother Jungle

Upasana Sharma
Heart Revolution


Shamanic Vision Quest
Vision Quest sourced from Pinterest, edited by Upasana Sharma

Lick your wounds, traveler.
Set your eyes to the pale star’s gleam.
Dogma unraveller,
With an elementary scheme.
We are nature’s instruments,
We are watchers in the night.
Softened slightly by the dissonance
Of the dearly departed Wight.

Fancying the finer Atlantis
A doyen of may prey mantis,
A fervor of astroflight afterlife
A stone to the throw
Insidious pipe!!!
Ayahuasca peyote foray,
To exude her plop top blush
A rhythm to all Einstein theory
A broom flyer of must!!!
I do seek
Where the barn door feeds thy hungered
Where the cold is warm, cut beamed.
Ado of amanita muscaria seeings,
Wherein two worlds make one meaning.
As the seam’s rip in leather gleaming
By the kratom like capsules to an uproar
Ourn compassion!!!

Every cell in my body
Trembles with anticipation
As the curandero croons
Ayy ooo wah hee…
…Time to come and see me…
As my stomach settles from the purge
Of the elixir of the vine of the soul
I have dared myself to drink
As my limbs begin to vibrate
As I am seized by the hair
Lifted right up off the ground
In the arms of great angels
Who look like alien jaguar dancers
With huge luminescent eyes
And funny hats
Who live in the emerald jungle
Where the concoction I took
Grows entwined
With my desperate hope
That this isn’t a scam
That there really is another world
Or maybe galaxies too
But then I realize
I’m so far away from home
I know I’ll never get back
Because I see him up ahead
Its God with his hair gloriously ablaze
Sitting on a grand throne
At the end of a great stone road
Like the Roman’s Appian Way
Suspended in pulsing interstellar space
And there is a line of people
Stretching for light years
All hoping for a sustainable miracle
All holding tickets to see him
And each one walks up to him
Heads bowed
And he caresses their hair
And he says I love you
But really, I just work here.

Footnote: These past few weeks have been playfully magical for me, calling for my undivided attention towards unconventional mysteries and mythology surrounding Peruvian cosmovisions. One such vision finding its way to me was that of Sachamama, or the Spirit of the mother forest, also known as the Serpent mother in Quechua.

According to, “The Inca Medicine Wheel is comprised of four animal archetypes that synergistically guide us through the cycles of our lives, and the nature of our being. Each is linked to one of the four cardinal directions, acting as a compass from which we may navigate the depths of our soul and our earthly experience. The core teachings are sourced in recognizing we are co-creating our life (with God) moment by moment, and therefore capable and responsible for all that is showing up and what we choose to do with it. There is great power in realizing the simplicity of affecting the change we want in our lives comes from within.”

Faith is found in accepting the gifts at the core of all personal suffering, understanding we may make medicine from our life’s greatest wounds.

The four archetypes and directions are as follows:
Sachamama — Great serpent — South direction
Ortorongo — The Jaguar — West direction
Kenti & the Apu’ s — Hummingbird & the Mountains — North direction
Apuchine — The Condor — East direction

Mayahuasca(mother ayahuasca as I fondly call her) is one such doorway, a threshold, one of the revered species of plant medicine in shamanic cultures, often used in vision quest ceremonies, incorporated to purge all the deep-seated trauma and ancient wounds inflicted on our soul DNA, that have accumulated over lifetimes.

The brew is prepared by a curandero or the medicine man from Amazonian tribes. The visions and hallucinations that follow aren’t for the faintest hearts. Some people often report ‘meeting’ the motherly figure in their visions; she is Sachamama, the spirit mother, guiding you on your journey to freedom. After you have traveled multiverses in your mind, and the trip starts to fade, most people puke their guts out(Not me, I am invincible, Lol)! That puke is analogous of clearing away of density which is NOW, not in alignment with your highest and greatest good.

Michael Hoffman eloquently captures his poetic prowess in his version of an Ayahuasca trip.( I have added his lines in the piece above)

Plant medicine is usually approached with regards to breaking the psychological barriers, which by a conscious mind is guarded by the watchdogs of ego. Ayahuasca perpetuates the lowering of guards and dropping down of ego, blissfully arranging a rendezvous with your naked self!

The breaking down of psychological wall is not just limited to drinking a vine caapi but can very well be achieved by meditators, yogis and spiritualists by a focused and dedicated practice of meditation sans psychedelics.

Thank you, John Levin, the picture in your story is indeed my inspiration here!

Another gem of a Peruvian experience, written by my dearest friend James G Brennan can be explored here:

Thank you dear Filza Chaudhry for sheltering my poetry at your esteemed publication #HeartRevolution.

Thank you so much for reading, beloved friends!

I Love You💚



Upasana Sharma
Heart Revolution

Usui reiki master • Shamanic healer • Empowerment coach • Podcaster • Writer • Polyglot • Teacher • Entrepreneur •