Something To Say
Poetry — when something is in the way
Is there something you want to say?
Or, is there something in the way?
A heart that is frozen,
Makes your tongue quiet,
Still like a statue,
Cold and immovable,
And later it loosens in your mind,
That you forgot to say,
What you wanted, or maybe too shy,
Or scared of what others may think.
Yet a heart that opens and receives,
A new breath of life,
Conquers and melts the ice,
Overcomes the intense fear,
Allowing you to say,
What you always wanted to.
For you are…
The king and queen of the ball,
You have to enjoy it all.
Your heart has warmed,
And you stand much taller,
Knowing you are grateful,
For the words you shed,
That made another smile.
Why not settle down in that place?
Where you were given the grace.