The Bright Side

The bright side of an existential crisis

Mia Verita
Heart Revolution
Published in
4 min readSep 3, 2022


In the Rearview. Photo by author, Mia Verita

I recently experienced an existential crisis and it seemed all was wrong in the world. I struggled with managing my medical condition and physical pain levels, along with a myriad of emotions related to losing my father this year. Finally I resorted to a self-intervention. I was feeling depressed, so I made a list of encouraging verses and positive phrases to bring me comfort and support my personal growth.

I began each day of last week, by looking at my list of positive affirmations and studying ways I could become a better person. At times I thought, That uplifting person I once was, is nowhere to be found. But that was a cop out and an excuse, which would only enable destructive thought patterns to continue. That part of me has been there all along, waiting to emerge from the darkness…
Waiting for me to start living again.

If that side of me wasn’t there, I would’ve never experienced a need for transformation. I would’ve simply been content in my self-destructive pattern.

I won’t beat myself up, because in hindsight I know my illness and treatments have affected me physically, mentally and emotionally and made me want to disappear and crawl into a hole. It was time for a change.

