The Ghost of Goodwill

Spooking was just not her thing

Filza Chaudhry
Heart Revolution
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2024


Photo by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash

The Ghost of Goodwill

There lived a beautiful soul,
Spent every day spreading her love,
Creating smiles and making wishes come true,
Helping the poor, sick and needy,
Whatever little she had was made plentiful,
No one ever went without,
Her heart was overflowing with goodness,
Never one to be trodden by life’s darkness,
Never to stay down when taken advantage of,
Trusting too easily, giving too easily,
Loving too easily, hurting too easily,
She was a beautiful soul,
Coming in peace, harming no one,
She was unconditional love,
Until her last breath,
She knew no other way to be,
When it was time,
To leave the earthly realm,
She made a pact with God,
To delay her return to heaven,
To become the ghost of goodwill,
To carry out her daily good deeds,
In the most magical and mysterious of ways,
To give hope, faith, trust,
To answer wishes and prayers,
To show there is ALWAYS LIGHT,
Amongst the darkest periods in one’s life,
To ease the heartache and pain,
To be the bearer of much needed change,
To show despair can be solved,
To show unconditional love,
Exists eternally in ethereal form.



Heart Revolution
Heart Revolution

Published in Heart Revolution

Writing from your heart and sharing the unconditional, divine love that exists within waiting to be shown. We are ONE collective, ONE humanity, ONE love

Filza Chaudhry
Filza Chaudhry

Written by Filza Chaudhry

Writer, Poet, Creative Visionary, Humanitarian, Editor of Heart Revolution. We are ONE collective, ONE humanity, ONE love💗 https://medium.com/heart-revolution

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