The Lights Are Getting Brighter

I’ve never seen the world like this before

Katrina Bos
Heart Revolution


Photo by Kasuma from Pexels

I wake up each day wondering
Why didn’t I see this before?
Has it always been like this?


TV & movies always looked like Hollywood
But now I feel like I’m watching
The Capitol
From The Hunger Games.

In this world, the manicured lawns, perfect homes
And perfectly sculpted people
Look plastic and strange
Like I’d never quite seen them before.

Around me, the crowds playing their roles
In this strange movie
With their costumes perfectly placed
Seem like holograms I’m moving around.

My own past interactions
With the world at large
Seem like a distant fantasy
That I can’t believe actually happened.

The inner twisting and contortions
I went through to fit in
Seem so strange and foreign
When the light is so bright.



Katrina Bos
Heart Revolution

Tantra teacher・Mathematician・Free-spirit・Mystic Heart・Author・Exploring this amazing world. For more details: