The Sisterhood of Salad

The Power of Gathering with Other Women for Health and Happiness…

Rosa Diaz-Casal
Heart Revolution
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2024


Photo by cottonbro studio:

I have had the good fortune to have a group of women friends that I’ve gathered with at many a restaurant back home on many given occasions. This is something I knew I would miss greatly when I moved overseas.

However, recently, as I waited for my new friend at a local restaurant near my new home, I looked around and saw a cafe filled with women doing exactly the same thing! It seems we were all waiting to share, expand on and take or offer encouragement and advice — woman to woman, salad to salad. There is no topic too strange or too trivial to tackle.

It occurred to me that women, no matter where they are, simply must get together.

Although there really is no research that says women are more compelled than men to find fellowship with the same sex, many women agree.

According to experts, very often, as in my case, we seek and learn during times of transition as we are looking for help in adapting to a new location. Other motivations might include career changes, divorce or any other need to connect.

Many women join groups to connect with other women on issues and life-changing events to share insights, support each other and engage in joint learnings. Some of us that…

