Those Nights Without Sleep

Some magic does happen

Somsubhra Banerjee
Heart Revolution
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2021


In those nights of sadness, when even the leaves do not flutter,
in that humid moment of the night, when the winds do not hit your skin,
you feel restless, trying hard to calm your nerves,
trying so hard to brush those worrying specks of dust off your soul,
but they still cling onto you, more and more.

Then, as if some magic wand casts a spell,
thoughts, sudden happy thoughts start weaving stories,
stories of yesteryears, moments that are left behind,
stored in the hippocampus of your brain,
waiting to get triggered in moments such as these,
moments when the soul needs it the most,
and as images keep dancing in front of your closed eyes,
you smile unknowingly, those nerves gently calmed,
sights and sounds they keep playing, playing on,
lulling you to sleep, before you even realize,
slowly, slowly.



Somsubhra Banerjee
Heart Revolution

A heart that finds solace in mountains, the whispers of old buildings, silences, books, poetry and football.