We’ve Been Here
I recognise it,
Yes, am sure,
this was the place
where we were before!
Yes, just here,
where, in the name of
colour, creed, and culture,
we had lost our humanness,
and had killed and maimed
those “different” to us, afore,
banishing them
along with our humanity!!
It was this place,
where we had said
Never again!
I’m sure!
Where we had vowed to never return!!
And that’s where we are today!
Once again, back to this
aforementioned time, and place,
and its lure!
And it was here, where
we had said
we will never be!!
We understand that future shouldn’t be a repetition of our follies of the past.
So, if we want to create a different world, why do we still keep on repeating history?
Is it some deliberate amnesia that we suffer from?