Why We Crave Simplicity

The counter-intuitive path to happiness….

Rosa Diaz-Casal
Heart Revolution
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2024


Photo by Pixabay

I think a lot of people are trying to find simplicity in their lives. I would even argue that we are hard-wired for it. This might explain why so many of us feel dissatisfied in this complicated world.

We may be hardwired for simplicity, but we tend to confuse simplicity with convenience because we are bombarded with messaging that constantly tells us that we get this or that to make life better.

What does it even look like to live a simple life in 2024?

We humans have the tendency to make life more efficient and more convenient, but in the process, we actually make it more complicated for ourselves and others. Thus, making it difficult to enjoy the simple moments of our lives.

The farther down this proverbial road of productivity and efficiency that we go, the more we are finding it increasingly more difficult to return to a simple way of living.

Asking ourselves ‘what does it mean to live simply?’ and ‘how can I live simply?’ are time-sensitive questions.

Can we (meaning humanity as a whole) get a grasp on what it means to live simply before it becomes almost unattainable?

Simplicity and simple living mean not getting so caught up in efficiency and…

