You’re Never Alone In The Wilderness
There’s a vulture in this poem and it’s looking out for you
My stash is slowly waning — perfect
Yet I grasp hard — for crying out loud!
Delirious I see it orbit
Just one, but one’s an unwanted crowd
Its naked head bears downward,
Aimed right at me like a nuke
“Not your next meal,” I tell it
And thumbing my throat, I puke
Dizzyness turns to lightheadedness,
I quaff down my last misconception
How did it find me, what did I miss:
I planned my last day to perfection
Attracting death with my urge to roam
Through these wild woods; none comes out alive
Yet it rests close, a black garden gnome
I mount my old bike feeling lucid
The black bird’s energy glides me home.
© 2023 selmamartin.com
I don’t know what my spirit animal is but this poem about how Vulture helped someone make a necessary shift in perspective…