I Decided to Jump Into…

What’s the worst that could happen?

Gina Wingate
Published in
Nov 13, 2020


I decided to jump in. What’s the worst that could happen? I thought.

I had no experience as a stylist, but I knew what a stylist did, so I said yes to the job.

After a flurry of shopping, I found myself in Palm Springs with 10 models, 4 hair and make-up artists, 2 art directors, 2 PA’s, 1 fashion director and me, the stylist with zero experience. I walked into the giant RV, clothes and accessories strewn everywhere. Model’s came in and out with rollers in their hair, some already made up, some heading to the makeup trailer.

I assessed my options, dug in and went to work. Somehow it went smoothly and I ended up with the cover of a magazine.

Looking back at my 23-year-old self, I am amazed at my own fearlessness. I am trying to pass on the go-for-it attitude to my kids. I am hoping to regain that youthful bravery for my older self.



Gina Wingate

Mom, wife , Ex-Costumer, Behavioral Therapist for kids with ASD, writer and animal rescuer.